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It's been two weeks already but she still haven't gone home. I'm not sure where she is and I don't know if she's doing fine.

I know she's probably in her parents' house but I can't go to her because I don't have money nor a car and even if I do I don't know how to drive.

I don't know what I'll do.

Honestly, I'm slowly loosing hope that she'll come back. Maybe she doesn't want to see me anymore. 

For the two weeks all I did was to wait for her. I don't bother sleeping in the room, I just stayed in the couch watching the door wishing she'll open it one day but that didn't happen.

I miss her so much.

I miss her back hugs, her kisses, making love with her, playing in the shower with her, eating with her, watching TV with her, dating with her. 

I miss her smiles, her silly chuckles, her care for me and her love for me.

I just miss everything about her. 

Why did she have to leave me without telling me? Why didn't she wait until I tell the truth? 

I think grew thinner because I just eat whenever I like. I don't have so much appetite unlike those days when she used to feed me.

My Lili, I miss you so much. I'll just look for signs and I will finally leave this house and go back home to the ocean. 

If she'll not come back today, I'll just choose to go back home and tell my family that I finally got the justice for Krystal.

Maybe they're already worrying about me right now.

I try to watch movies to keep boredom away. I always wear her clothes which smells like her so I could imagine that she's hugging me.

Every single corner of the house reminds me of her. I just can't help but to cry whenever I think of her.

I always write letters for her so that one day, if she'll come back and I'm already gone, she'll be able to find out the truth and that I waited for her to come back.

It's already night time and I decided to go to the shore. I watch the beautiful night sky and it's reflection to the sea.

I remember the day when we went swimming and something happened between us. It was at this exact place where I'm sitting right now. 

This is also where her little surprise took place. That was the last night I spent with her. I never even got to make love with her that night.

She was probably thinking about how she's feel sorry for Kai if she do that. She really is a kind person. She even thought about other's happiness and is willing to give up hers just to help.

I wonder how she's feeling right now. I really hope she's okay.

I stared at the water when I heard a splash. What was that?

"Is someone there?" I asked.

I went to the water to check what's there. Then something starts going towards me. 

"Who are you?" I asked and then someone pop out if the water.

"Jisoo unnie?" 

Oh my gosh it's Jisoo unnie, our eldest sister.

"Ruby Jane you look skinnier, what happened to you?" she asked and caressed my cheeks.

My sisters are really sweet even Krystal, she was the sweetest. I just smiled at my unnie but deep inside I'm broken.

"I'm fine unnie, why are you here?" I asked in curiosity.

"Ruby Jane, I came to get you. Dad wants you back under the ocean. We fear that something bad might happen to you like Krystal. We can't afford that," she said.

"Okay unnie, I'm going home," I hardly said.

Though I still don't want to go home. I think I have to go. 

I we started going deeper into the water but before we went under I heard someone calling me. It's a familiar voice but it's not Lili.

I looked back for the last time and saw Chaeng calling me by the name given by my Lili. 

Then I finally turned my back and we continued swimming under. As we reached deep enough, my feet became pressed together and in just a blink of an eye, they were back to being a tail.

I'll come back Lili, I surely will.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now