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I woke up with a fvcking head ache and swollen eyes. I just fell asleep crying my eyeballs out. I prayed that all of those were just a dream.

Chaeng stayed with me last night to make me feel that I'm not alone in this. She's a real best friend. 

She probably left before I wake up. 

I stretched my arms and tried to get up though I don't feel like doing it. I was about to get out of the bedroom when I noticed something on the bedside table.

I went to it and realized those were letters. They're from my Nini.

I sat back on the bed and started reading it.

'Dear Lili, 

I'm very sorry that I haven't told you the truth. 

I am not Krystal. My real name is Ruby Jane but I like Jennie, the name you gave me. Krystal is my twin sister and we look so much a like. 

I didn't thought that you'd think I was her. 

And you should've told me that you found Kai. If you only told me, then I would be able to explain everything to you that time. 

I also wish you didn't left so fast. I tried to find you around that place so I could tell you everything but you were not there anymore.

I asked Kai to bring me here in our home while hoping that you're here but I didn't find you. Maybe you're in your parents' house. 

I want to go to you but I can't. I don't have money and I don't know how I could get to you.

So I just waited. The least I could do is to wait and to pray that sooner you'll come back. 

I miss you a lot Lili. I can't eat well anymore because I was used to you feeding me. I think I grown skinnier but it's okay.

I miss your hugs your kisses and everything about you.

And Lili, I'm sorry for not telling you that I don't really have amnesia. 

The truth is, I didn't forgot anything. I was just unfamiliar with all the things I saw here on land. 

Lili, I'm a mermaid. 

If ever you're reading this now, I'm probably back home to the ocean. 

Always remember that I love you. Mermaids only fall in love once and I'm thankful that it's you who I fell in love with.

My, Lili thank you for everything. I'll love you forever. 'Til we meet again'

After reading the letter, I realized that my eyes were already soaked in tears.

But I was shocked with her message. She's a mermaid?

Do mermaids really exist? She didn't commit suicide? 

So she's still alive?

Though I don't know whether it's true or not. I kinda felt a little hope. I pray that this letter is telling the truth. I don't care if she's a mermaid a monster or what, what's important is that she's still alive.

I read the other letters and those were like her journals while she was still here. She wrote how she felt without me.

And every letter makes me cry. 

They all tell how much she suffered without me. It tells how much she waited for me.

I can't help but to cry. 

But this time, it doesn't hurt so much like before because I believe in her. I believe and I feel that she's alive.

She's somewhere in the ocean. 

And now it's my turn to wait until she comes back. I'm gonna wait for my Nini no matter what happens.

I will wait for her even if it takes forever for her to come back. 

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now