CHAPTER XVI. Amusement park 2

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After the Rollercoaster ride, she kinda felt dizzy. Luckily she didn't throw up.

"Two cotton candies please," I said and paid for it.


I went back to Jennie who was resting at the bench after that monster ride.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked when I saw her looking nowhere.

"Yeah, what are those Lili?"

She was referring to the cotton candies in my hands.

"Ah these, these are cotton candies. This one's for you."

I gave her the pink one and mine's the yellow one because yellow is my fave color.

"Hmm it's sweet and it melts inside my mouth easily," she said in awe.

"You like it? 'Cause I like you"

I just whispered the last part of course.

"Yes, I like it."

Her gummy smile proved that she really does. It warms my heart to see her happy like this. It makes me smile too.

"Finish that, you cutie and let's get to our next stop," I said and pinched her mandu cheeks lightly.

After eating the cotton candies, now where up for the carousel. I also love to ride it when I was little. This ride is just nostalgic and innocent.

"That is called the carousel. We're gonna right that now."

"That doesn't look scary. It looks fun."

She said like she really wanna ride it. Where does this kid came from that she haven't experience having fun like this before? I'm starting to think that she's an alien. I just laughed internally at my own stupid thought.

But it's like an honor for me to make her so happy. Her smiles and laughter are worth millions.

"Lili, this is so much fun."

She giggled when the ride started moving. The horses went up and down and move around like we're horse back riding.

We were holding each other's hands while enjoying the ride. It's our way of supporting and making each other feel safe.

All throughout the ride we were just laughing and smiling. We enjoyed every minute and every second in the carousel.

"I like the carousel more than the Rollercoaster," she suddenly said out out of the blue.

"Because you're a weakling," I teased her.

"Ohh, Lisa what is that big circle thing?"

She said while pointing at something somewhere. I followed the direction and my eyes landed on the big ferris wheel.

It was so big and beautiful. There were also different lights around it that attracts people to ride it.

Actually, I have never rode a ferris wheel before because my mom wouldn't let me. She would always remind me how dangerous it is. But I really wanna ride it. People said that it so much fun especially when you're already high up.
You'll be able to see the city from above.

I just wonder what it would be like to ride that. Hmm

"It's a ferris wheel. Do you wanna ride it?" I asked her and she nodded excitedly in response.

We bought tickets and fall in line so we could ride it. After few minutes it was our turn to ride it. The staff told us some instructions first and then the ferris wheel started moving.

"Are you scared?"

I asked when I looked at her.

"No because I'm with you. I don't know why but when I'm with you, I know I'm safe."

She said and smiled. Wait, w-what did she say?

She feels safe with me. Aw, it's melting my heart. No one ever told me words like that before. And I'm happy she feels like that with me.

"That's true because I'll always do my best to protect you at all cost."

I held her hand to give her assurance.

It was warm unlike the Rollercoaster ride that it's almost freezing. I can say that she's really doing fine.

"Look, Nini we can already see the sea from here."

I pointed at the sea where the moon is being reflected aesthetically.

"It's so beautiful," she mumbled but I was still able to hear it.

She was looking intently at the sea like it's the most precious thing to her. She was even smiling at the beautiful sight. She's really fond of the sea eh?

"You love the sea do you?"

She just nodded.

After few minutes were already at the top. It's true we can really sea the whole city up here. The beautiful city lights are mesmerizing. Woah, why would even my mom forbid me to see such beautiful sight?

This is amazing.

"It's mesmerizing right? Those lights are like stars," I said and she agreed.

"Lili," she called me which made me look at her.


"Thank you for everything. Thank you for saving me on the first day. For feeding me and giving me everything I need. Thank you for teaching me the things you do everyday," she suddenly said.

And I'm getting goose bumps. I've never seen her so serious like this before.

"It's nothing, I'm always ready to help you with anything if I can. You know you're special to me."

"I am?"

Should I tell her about how I feel now?

"Yes, you are. You are different. You are beautiful Nini not just in the outside but in the inside as well."

I said and pointed at her chest.

"Uhm, I might as well use this opportunity to tell you something important."

"What is it Lili?" asked the curious mandu.

I cleared my throat. I'm a little nervous here send help.

"I know this is kinda fast and we barely know each other but I want you to know that ever since you came into my life, I became happier. You brought colors to my dull life. I think I should be the one to thank you," I started.

We're now staring at each other's eyes and I want to make her feel that everything I'm telling her is pure and sincere.

"Jennie, Nini, I like you. I like you a lot. This is not because of what happened between us but it's because you're an amazing person."

"Lili, I-I like you too. I don't know what sickness I have but my heart beats like crazy when you look at me."

"You silly, that's not a sickness. When you feel like that it means you like or you love someone."

I cupped her mandu cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"Then, I love you Lili," she said out of the blue.

And it was like the whole world stop turning once again.

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