CHAPTER XXI. Witnesses

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After a whole day of practicing hard, the girls brought us to a restaurant.

They ordered a lot of foods to treat us and themselves as reward for exerting so much effort in their comeback.

"So, are you dating," Slugs asked while munching her chicken.

"Why are you being nosy?"

I said and glared at her.

"So you're really dating? Yieee."

The idiot teased me and poked my waist several time. Gosh, she's so annoying.

"Hey guys! Let's take this opportunity to celebrate something. Lisa and Jennie are officially dating."

Seulgi announce before I could even stop her. Why did she do that?

"Oh my gosh. Congratulations to the both of you," Wendy said.

"Stay strong," Yerim said.

Everyone congratulated us. We just thank them and we all continued eating.

We talked about random things mostly about their comeback and their experiences. They even told me that I should be an idol too but that is actually not on my plan so I said no.

Jennie and I were holding each other's hands under the table. Why not? She's my girls and it's one of the most comfortable thing. It's like I don't ever wanna let go.

After the dinner we bid goodbyes to the girls and thanked them for the treat. We really enjoyed their company. Though this was the last day of me being their choreographer, I know that this isn't our last interaction.

Actually, I'm also thinking of applying in their company to work as a choreographer or perhaps a back up dancer.

We went straight at home so we could rest.

It's a good thing that they treat us for dinner because I don't have to cook for tonight. We could just relax.

We changed clothes as soon as we got to our room.

"Lili, can I go to the sea tonight?" she suddenly asked out of the blue making me stop at midst of putting on my pajama top.

"Uhm, sure I can go with you. I just thought that it's good to go there too, especially now that it's full moon."

Yes, I noticed that the moon is a big bright circle tonight while we were on the way home.

"Yey, thank you," she said and kissed my cheek.

"No problemo mi amore," I playfully said and kissed her forehead.

I bended like I was bowing. She didn't get what was trying mean. So I patted my back.

"Come on baby, ride my back and we'll go to wonderland," I said and her confusion vanished. Finally she got what I want her to do.

"Can you carry me?"

She asked probably doubting about my strength. Hm, she didn't know that I already carried her for several times already.

"Hey young lady don't you dare doubt my strength. I'm stronger than superman," I said while acting like a strict teacher.

Her forehead creased again.

"Who's superman?" she asked which made me laugh so hard.

I forgot that she haven't watch that movie.

"Forget about it. Don't worry we'll watch superman later," I said while trying to suppress my laughter.

"Now come on and ride my back," I ordered her.

She finally did as she was told and I carried her on my back. She wrapped her arms on my neck and I supported her by catching her bottom with my arms.

Then I carried her out until we got out to the shore.

I ran around the shore still carrying her on my back. We were both giggling. When I got tired, I finally put her down.

"That was fun," she said while giggling.

"Look baby the moon beautifully reflects to the sea."

From me, her attention turned to the body of water.

"Wow, it's beautiful. The sea looks like the sky," she said with amusement visible in her face.

"Do you want to take a swim?"

She nodded.

"Let's go!" I said and took off my clothes leaving only my underwears.

She also did the same thing. I won't bother tho because there's only the two of us here.

We ran to the sea laughing. I splashed water to her and she did her revenge by doing the same thing.

I chased after her but she ran away from me. We ran around the shore like kids who don't care about anything in the world but to have fun.

When I finally catched, her I hugged her from the back and I carried her until we got to the deeper part of the sea.

"You silly girl, trying to get away from me eh? Didn't I mention that I was a runner before?"

"No," she replied while laughing.

"Well now you know," I said and filled her cheeks with butterfly kisses.

"Haha, that's ticklish baby."

We hugged each other in the water and felt each other's warmth.

"I love you Jennie. The moon, the stars and the sea are my witnesses," I said and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too,Lisa. The moon, the stars and the sea are also my witnesses," she replied and I felt her hugged me more tightly.

I lifted her chin and looked intently at her cat eyes.

"Thank you for coming to my life baby," I said and kissed her passionately.

The moon, the stars and the sea are the witnesses of our blooming love.

Jennie, I love you so much and you finally made me realize my sexuality. I am fvcking gay.

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