CHAPTER XVII. Confession

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In just a blink of an eye, my lips once again touched hers. I kissed her passionately. At this moment, the ride is not the only thing that's revolving but also my life.

My life started to revolve around her. No, my world started to revolve around ever since the day I found her.

"I-I love you too, Nini," I said when our lips separated.

I leaned my forehead to hers and stared at her beautiful cat eyes like it's the most wonderful scenery I've ever seen in my entire life.

I hugged her tiny body and she did the same thing. It feels so warm and she fits perfectly inside my arms like they were made her her.


We went down from the ferris wheel with wide smiles on our faces and with our hands intertwined with each other.

"I think we have to go home. Lemme cook for you baby," I said playfully tapped the edge of her nose.

"Hm, baby? I'm not a baby, I'm a lady," she said with forehead creased.

I just laughed at her silliness. She's really clueless about this things and that makes her so adorable. She's really a baby to me, my baby to be exact.

"No you silly, that's just a call sign. I call you that because you're a special person to me and I care for you so much," I said and pinched her fluffy mandu cheeks.

I've been doing that more often, fortunately she's not complaining. I just can't help but to do that, she's just so adorable.

"Should I call you baby too?"

I giggled at her question. Of course she should, it's a call sign. It's useless if I'm the only one who'll use it.

"Of course because you're my girlfriend," I said.

She suddenly frown once again. Did I say something wrong?

"What? Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing I just want to know what a girlfriend is?" she asked cluelessly.

Oh she also don't know that.

"My baby, a girlfriend is some who'll always want to protect you and keep you safe. She cares a lot about you. She makes you smile and you enjoy her company. A girlfriend is some who stays when you need her the most and most importantly my dear Nini, a girlfriend is someone who loves you with all her heart," I answered.

She was silently for a while like she was thinking about something.

"I'm your girlfriend too because I am also like what you described."

She said after few minutes of thinking.

Really? She loves me? She cares for me? She wanna stay with me? She want to protect me too?

I hugged her once again 'cause I'm fvcking happy. Like, oh my gosh I didn't expect that there will be someone who'll feel that way towards me.

She's really special.

"I love you baby," I mumbled in her ear.

"I love you too," she sweetly said.

"What do you want to eat little dumpling?" I asked while putting on the apron.

"I want curry," she said and she went straight to me.

I told her to just sit but now she coming towards me, hm she's becoming a stubborn girl.

"Lemme help you Lili," she said and pouted.

How could I resist this adorable thing?

I pick another apron and put it to her from behind. And due to my naughtiness, I hugged her sneakily and kissed her chubby cheeks several times. She was giggling and complaining that it's tickling her.

"Okay okay enough of the flirting. We still have to cook otherwise we'll both gonna strave," I said and chuckled.

"It's was just you."

"Of course it's your fault because you're so irresistible," i said while smirking.

She just laughed.

She started chopping the spices while I started chopping the chicken. This is what you call team work.

After few minutes of efforts in cooking our curry with love is finally cooked.

"Hm, it smells so good," she said as I opened the pot.

"You smell better baby," I said and teasingly sniffed her neck.

"Stop, it's tickling me," she said while laughing.

Being happy makes her a thousand more beautiful. Gosh, how many times did I mention that she's beautiful? 'Cause I lost counting and I'll never get sick of telling her how beautiful she is.

"Okay missy go get the plates I'll take care of the rest," I said and kissed her forehead.

"It's sweaty why'd you kiss my forehead?"

"I don't about sweats baby that won't hurt me. When I wanna kiss, I'll kiss you. No sweats are enough to stop me, understand that baby?"

"I think you're just hungry," she giggled.

"Do you want me to eat you, rawrr."

I acted like tiger. My gosh, she's making me childish but I like it, damn.

"Stop that, you aren't scary."

I can really see happiness in her eyes and that's fvcking enough to make me happy as well. She's my little happy virus.

After the flirting time, we started eating because I think we need that for whatever we're gonna do later.

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