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"Why do you want to go to the sea?" I just asked curiously.

"I don't know, it's just my guts telling to feel the water."

Her guts? Maybe there's something about the sea that connects to her past aside from the one that she drowned in the water.

"Alright alright just be careful. I'll just stay here and wash the plates," i said as I finally gave in.

Seconds later  I heard the kitchen door opened and closed eventually meaning, she already went out to the sea. Actually its just near that's why I could even hear the waves from my current position.

After washing the dishes I decided to check on Jennie. It's like I always fear that something might happen to her.
It's been days since I found her but I've already grown close to her. She's like the sister I never had.

I know she's a stranger but I can't explain why I care for her this much.

As I stepped out of the door, an enchanting voice greeted my ear. She was singing beautifully. Though there was no lyrics, it was so perfect so magical.

I dont know why but it feels like I'm floating, my feet moved on their own walking me towards the serene sea. My eyes are looking for Jennie but she's nowhere to be found. I want to panic but I can't because of this voice. I'm certain that it is her.

Minutes later, I'm already wet by the sea and I can't control my body. My feet stopped from walking when I was under the water. Then I cant move, I want to float but I can't. I can't hear anything but the voice singing.

I uttered her name and I started to get weak struggling for air. But before I close my eyes, I saw a very beautiful girl, Jennie. She held my face and as soon as I felt her lips on mine, everything went black.

"Good morning Lili! You're gonna be late for work," Jennie said as soon as I opened my eyes. I can say that she'd been trying to wake me up.

What happened last night? Was it just a dream? I-I saw Jennie with a tail. She's a mermaid? Or was it really all a dream.

"J-Jennie what happened last night?" I asked curiously.

"What do you mean? Actually I don't know you were probably exhausted that you fell asleep on the couch. I just tried to carry you and mind you, you were so heavy," she said and giggled.

So it was really a dream but it kinda doesn't feel like it. I can still feel the water around me her enchanting voice and-and the kiss. Her lips was soft.

Why would I even dream about something like that? Gosh what has gotten into me?

"Thank you. Oh no, shit I still have to cook our food," I said and hurriedly got up but she stopped me.

"I already cooked our breakfast. Just take a bath already so you wont be late." with that she left me in awe.

I know this is normal but I don't fvcking know why this feels so weird.

Damn dream!

I hurriedly took a bath and fixed myself. Then i went to the kitchen to grab myself something to eat. Lemme see what the little girl did.

"Come here Lili, I waited for you so we could eat together."

I sat down and check out the foods she cooked for us. These are the foods I usually cook for us. It all looked delicious and I'll bet the house that it tastes as good as it looks.

I started munching on the foods and damn I just won the bet. This is incredibly delicious. I'll admit she could cook better than me.

"Wow, Nini this is delicious. You could be a chef!" I exclaimed making her blush unconsciously.

She's so cute when her cheeks turn almost as red as tomato. She's always cute.

"Thank you. I just learned that from you. You deserve to be a chef more than I do," she replied.

I just giggled. After eating we got ready to go and then boom were going to meet Red Velvet again for the practice.

"We're gonna meet the Unnies again. Yey, I missed them."

"That fast? We just met them yesterday," i laughed at her silliness.


"Hey unnies we're back!" Jennie said while walking towards the girls.

She already grown close to them in just a day. This kid is really a friendly one.

"Hey Jennie," Irene said and hugged her.

They all hugged the adorable Nini. I just giggled at the sight. They're really treating her like a baby, ey more like WE. Just count me in.

"Yo, Lisa!" Seulgi approached me. We did fist bumps.

"Ey dude, how's it going?" I asked her referring to the thing between her and Irene.

Yes, Seulgs is gay. She likes Irene but y'know being an idol. Issues are just shits.

"Still the same, she still wont accept me. Btw, your girl is so adorable."

She still got time to tease me huh. Jennie is not my girlfriend. I don't even know if I'm gay. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Okay guys, Let's start!"

And with that we started practicing.

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