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We're up here in Namsan Tower. 

It's so beautiful. You can see the whole Seoul from up here. The city lights are magical. The beautiful night sky added to the romantic ambiance.

I've been wanting to come here since I was kid but I want to go with someone so special to me. 

And now, I'm with this beautiful girl. She's the only person I want to go here with. 

"It's beautiful," she said while looking at the city below.

"Believe me you're more beautiful," I said and kissed the top of her head.

She hugged me smiled.

"You're beautiful too. In case no one told that you," she said.

Aw, no one really except for my mother. She never fail to make my heart melt even with her simplest words and gestures.

Hayss, Nini how am I suppose to live without you?

"Hmm, I have something here. Guess it," I said while keeping something behind my back.

"Just show it to me." She pouted.

"Just try," I chuckled.

"Food? Lipstick? Make up? Key chain?.." she mentioned but she never got the answer.

I just gave up and decided to show it to her. 

"Tada! These are padlocks like those," I said and pointed at a bunch of padlocks on the railings.

"Wow that's cute. It's heart shaped aww."

"Did you know that there's a legend that says that if you put padlocks here with a special person, you'll end up being together forever," I said.

That was what I heard from my classmates when I was still studying. 

Most of them go with their girlfriends or boyfriends here just to put that padlocks together. Some of them ended up marrying each other but there are also couples that broke up. 

Whether, the legend will work on us or not, I'll just try. 

I don't even know why I'm doing this. It's almost the end for us. 

"I want to stay with you forever. Let's put this now," she said and we did.

Together, we locked the padlocks on the railing like we're locking a promise to stay together though I know we can't.

We stood at the tower for a while. I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.

I now this might be wrong but I wanna grab this opportunity while she's still with me. 

I grabbed her nape and kissed her passionately. I don't care if there could be someone looking at us right now. All I know is I want to seize the moment. 

I hugged her tightly again when our lips separated. 

It's wrong but damn, I don't feel any guilt. I'm sorry Kai, I want her to be mine and mine alone rn. She'll be all yours soon anyway. Just this once.

"Let's take pictures baby," I said and took my camera.

"Sure baby."

We took a lot of pictures with each other. Actually, it was more on her pictures. I just want souvenirs to remind me that she was once mine and we were once happy. 

When the night grows deeper, we decided to head home and call it a day. 

I miss making love with her. But doing it will only add to my guilt. The least I could do now is to kiss her and cuddle with her.

I think only Kai has the right to do that thing with her. 

"Good night baby." 

I hugged her tightly and let my thoughts down me in into a deep slumber.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now