CHAPTER V. Police Station

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She had been silent since we got on the car. I can't tell what she's been thinking. I wish I could.

My curiosity is going to kill me. I really wanna know who this girl is. I wanna know where she came from and what happened to her.

"Jennie, we're here," she slightly flinched as I tapped her because she was spacing out.

"Lili, are they going to hurt me?"

For the first time in a while, she finally spoke up. So that's what's in her mind since earlier? She was scared.

"No you silly, they try to help us find your family and don't worry I'm here. I'll protect you for the meantime," I said and pinched her cheek.

I sensed that she finally felt relieved after hearing my assuring words.

"What's your name ma'am?" The police officer asked.

"I'm Lalisa Manoban, sir."

"What do you need ma'am?"

"Sir, I found her at the sea and she doesn't seem to remember anything at all. We want to ask for help to contact her family," I answered.

"So how did you exactly find her?"

"I was swimming in the sea last night at around 10 pm when I heard a loud splash in the water. I panicked thinking it could be dangerous like sharks so I rushed to the shore. I was about to get inside my house when I saw her being pushed by the waves to the shore. She was cold and wasn't breathing but luckily her heart was still beating so I did the CPR and finally saved her life. But she became unconscious again so I took her to my house and kept her warm."

I didn't know if I was stating it or was I rapping it?

"Calm down ma'am. Since she don't remember anything, I suggest that we post her picture and verify anyone who'll claim to be her family."

"I agree to that sir."

"Do you have her picture?"

"None sir."

"Let's take picture of her first."

And so they took her picture. They printed it with a message. They will post it around Busan and in the nearby places.

"While waiting for the results ma'am, what do you plan to do with this girl?"

That hit me? I look at her.
What would I do with this girl.

"I-I'm going to take responsibility for her sir for the meantime," I said.

It made Jennie look at me. I smiled at her, the smile that assured her that I will take care of her.

I just met this stranger but why do I feel like I've known her for so long. Its as if we're connected like sisters I guess. I've never had a sister and I feel that in her.

I patted her head and we both bid goodbyes and expressed our gratitude to the police officers.

We proceeded to the mall to buy her things. She just lucky it's weekend, I don't have work today.

"Jennie, did you find something you like there?" I asked her when I saw her staring at something.

She just shook her head. I wasn't convinced, she was staring at the dress like she wants to wear it.

"Come on, try that Nini," I said and dragged her and the dress to the dressing room.

"But Lisa--"

"Oppss no more buts just try it," I forced her but only because I know she likes the beautiful dress.

After a minute she went out of the dressing room shyly.

Wow, she's so gorgeous wearing that white dress. She looks like an angel.

"You look so beautiful," I said mindlessly.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"You're welcome. Come let's pay for that and let's buy shoes for you too."

After buying clothes for her and for me, we went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. I noticed earlier that I still lack on food supplies, that's also the reason why I decided to stop by this mall before going home.

I checked the time and it's already 12:30. Damn we have to eat lunch I'm starving.

"Nini, are you hungry?" I asked and she nodded as a response.

We went to a fast food restaurant and we ate our lunch there.

"Do you remember anything in places like this?"

She paused for a bit but she shook her head eventually meaning she still don't remember anything. She's always curious about anything.

When we arrived to my house I decided to take a nap, I just told Jennie to wake me up when she needs me. I just turned on the TV, maybe she'd like to watch something. I also taught her how to use the remote.

And finally I took a rest.

"Lisaaaaaaaaaa! You playgirl!"

I woke up because someone was screaming outside then in a blink of an I the door slammed open.

"What the hell Chaeng!? I was sleeping!"

How dare she disturb my beauty rest.

"You playgirl! How could you take advantage of that innocent girl in the living room! Did you get her pregnant?"

What the heck? I don't even have stick! How in the fvck would I get anyone pregnant!?

"What the fvck are you talking about!?"

"Who's that cute girl sleeping on the couch? I didn't know you were into girls. So is that why you chose to buy a house here so you could keep your woman from your family," this girl sure is delusional.

"You're imagination is running wild. You're overacting. She's not my girlfriend and I didn't buy this house for her."

"Then who is she?" Too curious Chaeng eh?

"I saved her last night. She almost drowned in the ocean and it turned out she had an amnesia," I explained.

"Oh so that cute girl had an amnesia. I thought she was your girlfriend, too bad she's not."

What does she even mean?

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