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I started eating her pussy. Licking and ravishing it like it was the most delicious meal I've ever had.

Her moans signifies that she's liking what I'm doing and it gave me a whole bunch of confidence to do better.

I moved my tongued inside her in circular motion while my thumb was playing with the tiny flesh in her beautiful pussy.

"Ughh, Lili," she moaned while grabbing my hair. 

I let my tongue harden and put it in and out of her entrance. She fvcking taste good. 

Is this really wrong? Why does does this feels so good? This is 10000 times better than watching porn on screen because this is fvcking real. It's happening to me.

"Hmmm," I moaned as I get overwhelmed with the situation. 

"Ughhhh, Lili I think I'm gonna pee ughh," she said.

And I don't think that's it. I think she's cumming. I can feel her wall tighten around my tongue. I took it out to say something.

"You're cumming baby, just let it out," I said and got back to what I was doing.

After a few seconds she shuddered and warm sweet juice squirted from her pussy on to my mouth. I swallowed it all while staring at her seductively. I even licked the side of my lips with her cum trying to escape.

That wasn't the end, we did it again 2 times until we both feel asleep from being drunk and exhausted.

"Lisayahhhhhh!" I heard someone calling me. 

I'm not in the mood to bother knowing who the hell that is. I couldn't even open my eyes, I'm still tired and I just wanna get a good sleep.

"Lisayyyyyahhhh! Oh my gosh what happened!?" I heard someone shouted after the door creaked open.

That voice was familiar. Rosé?? Why is he here??

Oh fvck! I just remembered everything. I checked myself and Jennie under the sheets and we're still fvcking naked!

"Oh my gosh Lisa what did you do to that poor girl? My innocent Jennie, what have you done?" Chaeng is kinda overacting.

I covered us, me and Jennie making sure not even a single skin could be seen.

I just slapped my forehead an said.

"Oh my gosh Chaeng why are you being so noisy at this early in the morning. Can't you see we're trying to get some good sleep?" I complained.

She's annoying, so what if something happened between Jennie and me. It already happened, it was just an accident but I admit a beautiful accident kekeke.

"Are you hearing yourself Manoban? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Where my Bible?" 

She's being too dramatic.

I felt warm arms wrapped around my body. She look so cute she's still fast asleep.

"Chaeng you know what just get out. She's still sleeping, let her rest," I said irritatedly.

"And who tire the poor innocent girl?" she asked while glaring at me.

"It happened okay? We didn't mean it to happen, it was an accident and it's already done. Just give as some privacy."

"Okay fine! If she get pregnant you have to take responsibility! And I should be the godmother okay? Kekeke," her mood suddenly changed. Seriously? What's wrong with her?

"Are you out of your mind? How in the world will that happen?" she's really stressing me out.

"Babye love birds. Go ahead make sure to make babies," she said and finally left. 

I stared at the girl who was sleeping peacefully beside me. She's so beautiful. She's like an angel fallen from above.

This little accident that happened is making me think a lot of thoughts. 

Who is she and where she came from doesn't matter to me but what is she really in my life?

All I know is she makes me smile more than Rosé could, she makes my heart beat erratically, she makes me think about her unconsciously, she makes me happier than before.

I don't know why she came to my life but I'm sure it's a good reason. 

But was is it called? Love?
Am I in love with this sweet stranger? Maybe I am, she's not hard to love. Everything about her is just, I don't know. I'm clueless, how am I supposed to know what love is when I haven't even fallen in love before.

I kissed her mandu cheeks and got up. I kinda felt hungry and I want her to have something to eat when she wakes up. She have to regain energy.

"Perks of watching yadong," I mumbled under my breath and giggled at my own craziness.

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