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Today is the start of the 10 days I asked Kai. 

Actually, Kai is a good person I can see it in him. I can see that he really miss his soon to be wife. While we were talking about Nini, he look so in love. It was like Nini was his world. 

I can even see myself in him. It made me felt so guilty. 

I also found out that his nickname is Nini too. It was a coincidence. 

Knowing how much he loved Nini and how much he suffered without Nini, it made me surrender. They deserve to happy together.

All that's left from me is the ten days. I'll start it today. I will spend every single day with her like there's no tomorrow. 

"Nini, do you want to go to the park?" I asked her while chewing my food.

Ever since I woke up this morning, I acted normal. I'll try to hide the pain as long as I can. I don't want her to worry about me. 

"Sure, are gonna go there?" asked cheerfully.

I nodded and feed her a spoon full of food. Yes, I also went back to doing this. I don't want to spend the rest of my days with her by just sulking. 

I have to do the things I want to do with her while we are still together. 

After we ate we took a bath together but nothing happened. I couldn't bring myself to make love with her while thinking there's someone who owns her.

It's just not right.

So we just played and teased each other while under the shower. 

Every single day, minute and second with her is are the best moments of my life. Having her was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me.

I will surely remember her everywhere I go.


"Hey that's ice cream," she said while pointing at the ice cream stall.

"You want me to buy ice cream?"

She nodded in response. 

I went to the stall leaving her sitting on the bench. 

We've been wandering around the park since earlier and we decided to rest on the bench for a while.

"One chocolate flavored ice cream and one milk flavored please," I ordered.

After a few minutes he handed our ice creams and so I paid for it.

"Thank you," I said and gave him a smile.

I went back to Jennie who was looking somewhere.

"Hey baby, here's your milk ice cream."

I gave her one of the ice creams. She really loves milk so much. She likes milk ice creams, milk flavored cake and she even used expired condensed milk once.

I know that was so hilarious but I did worried that her stomach might hurt. Fortunately, it didn't.

"Thank you" 

She said and showed her famous gummy smile.

"What were you looking at earlier?" 

I sat beside her and started eating my ice cream too before it melts.

"What is that?" 

She said while pointing at the playground where some kids are playing.

"That's a playground baby," I answered.

After we finished eating our ice creams, I dragged her and we ran towards the playground. 

"I know you wanna play," I giggled.

This is a little childish but this is fun. Maybe she haven't experience this with Kai. 

"You sit on the other edge while I sit here," I rode the seesaw. 

She was clueless about the thing but she did what I told her. She sat at the other end and hold on tightly to the bar handle.

I started moving, I brought her high up while laughing.

"Hey Lili put me down," she said while giggling.

I started jumping and so did she. We were like hopping frogs. 

We kinda look weird because we're the only grown ups in the playground but who care? We just want to have fun.

After the seesaw Jennie went to the swing and I moved on to the slide. There was a toddler who was having a hard time climbing the the slide.

"Hey little girl, what's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Naeun. Unnie can you help me climb?" 

She's so adorable! She also have fluffy cheeks and her hair was tied in pigtails. I noticed that she also look like a foreigner. Is she half American?

I carried Naeun to the top. And told her that she could slide down now but she just held my feet.

"What's wrong Naeun?" I asked her.

"I'm scared unnie."

Aww what a poor thing, she does look scared. 

What I did was carried her and we both went down the slide together. We enjoyed playing on the slide.

Meanwhile, Jennie was busy playing with a boy in the swing. Naeun and I went to Jennie and the boy.

"Gunhoo, I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" Naeun asked the boy.

The boy started talking gibberish as if he was trying to reply the little girl. 

Oh, they know each other?

"Do you know each other?" asked her and she nodded.

"He's my brother. His name is Gunhoo."

"By the way this is Jennie, she's my girlfriend. And Jennie this is Naeun," I introduced them with each other.

"Nice to meet you Naeun and Gunhoo," Nini said and smiled at the kids.

"Nice to meet you too unnie."

The little girl is smart she talks like an adult. She's even what you called street smart.

"Guys let's eat ice cream," I suggested.

"Yey! I love ice cream," Naeun almost jumped with joy same goes with her little brother.

They are both adorable.

I carried Gunhoo while Jennie held Naeuns hand and we all went to the ice cream stall where we bought ice cream earlier.

"Uhm we'll have 2 milk flavor and 2 chocolate flavor," I said.

"You have a beautiful family," the ice cream man said.

I noticed that Jennie's cheeks turned reddish. I just chuckled because we are not a family. It's impossible.

"Actually we are not a family. It's impossible, were both girls," I said while chuckling.

"Hey, it's not impossible this days. My sister and her wife got twins last month," he stated.

"Wow that was amazing," I exclaimed.

That was wonderful. Yeah maybe it's not impossible especially with the help of modern technology. But even if I want to have a family with her I can't.

She already have Kai. Kai can give her a better family even in a natural way.

I just paid for the ice creams and we all went back to the playground. We enjoyed playing with the kids until they went home with their father.

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