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"Lili, where are you going?" I asked but she didn't look back she just continue walking out. 

I was about to follow her but this Kai guy stopped me.

"Krystal, let's talk," he said.

Wait a minute, how did he know Krystal?

"What? I'm not Krystal," I told him.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Kai, your fiancé." 

He's familiar. I think I heard that name before. And he knows Krystal, could it be him?

"Are you perhaps Kim Jongin?" I asked him.

I saw his eyes widened as I mentioned that name.

"I thought you had an amnesia? I never mentioned that name to Lisa," he said still confused.

"The truth is I never really had an amnesia. And I am not Krystal. I'm Ruby Jane, I'm her twin sister," I said which maid him looked more confused.

"What the heck? Are you serious? Krystal never mentioned anything about her family let alone about a twin sister."

He's really confused right now. Who wouldn't?

"Stare at my face carefully and you'll notice something."

Actually though Krystal and I looked so identical, I have one feature that's different. I have a mole under my right eyebrow.

"What? I don't really understand what's happening."

Since he don't notice it, I'm gonna show him.

"Look, I have a mole under my right eyebrow."

I said while pointing that mole to emphasize it to him.

"Krystal doesn't have any mole in her face that's our main identity."

"If you're not Krystal then where she?" 

"Actually, the reason why I left home is to look for you. I almost forgot my mission when I met Lisa. It's a good thing that we met each other because I have an important matter to tell you."

Yes, that is the truth. I don't really have amnesia or what you call that diseases when in you forgot everything. The truth is, I don't really know anything. Everything was unfamiliar. 

All my life, I've been living under the sea with my family. Our parents were strict but me and my twin sister would always find a way to sneak out and go on adventures.

One day, reached into a far place. And that was the first time we saw humans. They were having fun on the beach. They have two feet and not tail just like ours. 

Our father always reminded us to stay away from humans because they're cruel. Though we don't believe that, I was afraid that our dad will punish us if he finds out that we saw humans. So, I convinced Krystal to go back under the depth of the sea. 

And we never went back to the shallow. No, only I never came back but Krystal secretly go back there alone. She never told anyone about it even me, her twin sister.

She unfortunately fell in love with a man. She forgot that our father hate humans. She continuously disobeyed our father to get a glimpse of that man.

That man, is Kai or Kim Jongin, this guy who thought I am my twin sister.

She wasn't contented with just seeing Kai. She wanted to be with him. 

Us, mermaids only fall in love once and when we do, we give our all. And so she did.

She wanted to be a human and there was only one way. It was to find the magical pearl. The magical pearl has the ability to make your wishes come true.

She did her plans without even telling me. 

Then one day, she just disappeared. 

We tried to find her anywhere in the sea but we found not even a single strand of her hair. 

I was mad because she left just like that without telling us especially me. I thought we were partners in crime. She's unfair.

After a year, which is two months ago, she finally came back. With bruises on her body. And she was so depressed. 

She told us about what happened to her. From the day we sneaked out up to the day she met Kai. She told us how happy she became while she was on land. 

She met a lot of people and they weren't like what our father described. She said they were kind and Kai's family treated her so well. 

But her misery started when Kai's brother, Tao came home from US. Tao was badass and he was cruel.

When Kai goes to work and only the two of them are left at home, Tao abused Krystal. He raped Krystal over and over again but my poor sister couldn't say anything because that guy said he's going to kill him and Kai if she say anything.

She felt so disgusted with herself. It broke me to see my beloved sister suffer so much because of that human.

It wasn't Kai's fault because he was unaware of what happened. He just trusted his brother so much that he didn't think that it'll do that to her girlfriend.

On that day, Kai and my sister had a big fight in the morning before Kai went to work because my sister wanted them to stay out of the house and live somewhere far but Kai doesn't like that idea.

The man doesn't want to be away from his family and he didn't understand why Krystal suddenly acted like that when everything was all good with her and his family.

That was what he thought.

When Kai left for work, Tao raped Krystal again. He's a monster! 

After Tao abused her, she felt very dirty about herself. She felt bad and she felt so embarrassed to face Kai again. So she jumped on the bridge for two purposes.

For Kai and other people to think that she's dead and to come back home to us.

When I heard her story I was crying hard. It broke my heart, I never thought something like that would happen to her. I felt so mad. I wanted to crush that guy but I couldn't.

After a few days, she started to get weak but before she died, she gave me the magical pearl. My sister died in my arms and that was the most painful moment I have experienced. 

"Krystal is dead," it hardly got out of my mouth. It was so hard to say it like there was a big lump in my throat.

That painful truth is still not fading in my heart and mind. 


I saw how his eyes widened and seems like his world was shattered. 

That was how I felt when she passed away. 

"Yes, she died a few days after going back home. I wanted to find you so I could give her death a justice."

Of course I didn't tell him where we came from.

"W-what happened to her?" he asked while his eyes got teary.

I can see that Krystal was really being honest when she said this guy loved her so much.

"She was abused inside your house. You trusted your family too much. You didn't notice that your brother Tao was already abusing my poor sister. Everytime you went to your work, your brother rapes my sister. You didn't hear anything because he said he'd kill you and Krystal," I told him.

"How could my brother do that to me and my girl," he said and punched the table.

"I trusted him!" He kept mumbling it like a mantra.

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