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My heart was beating fast as we stepped inside the cafe. 

I looked for Kai though in my mind I don't want to see him right now.

Jennie was still clueless about this. I didn't bother telling her because she might refuse to go or let me go?

My eyes landed into the same guy I met 10 days ago. That is the right person who this girl. They match each other really well. Nini is a beautiful girl while Kai is handsome. They are perfect with each other.

I might be hurting myself with these thoughts but that's the truth. 

"Who are we gonna meet Lili?" she asked curiously.

"Just wait he's already here," I said and we started walking towards Kai's table.

"Kai!" I smiled while waving at him. 

I have to pretend. I have to be strong. Lisa keep the facade on.

Kai immediately stood up and approached us. He still can't see Nini clearly because she's behind me. 

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Here," I said and showed him the girl he had been waiting for. 

"Krystal!" He exclaimed and hugged Nini tightly as he saw her.

Nini was surprised with Kai's sudden action probably because she can't remember the guy who's embracing her.

What a beautiful but painful scene. But fvck! Why is my heart aching like hell?

Though seeing Kai so happy is kinda satisfying. I'm glad that I helped. Wait, am I really glad?

I'm doing this for Nini, I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do.

"Who are you?" Nini asked cluelessly.

"I'm Kai, your fiancé."

I want to stay and watch what'll happen but I guess I can't. It's so painful, I wanna get out of here before I break down.

"Nini, Kai, you have a lot of things to talk about. I'll leave you both now," I said and excused myself.

"Lili! Wait where are you going?" I heard her say but I didn't look back.

I rushed out of that damn cafe as hot liquids started rushing down my eyes. My vision got blurry from all the unstoppable tears but I managed to got to my car safely. 

Before I drove my car away, I texted Kai.

To: Kai

Take care of her, I trust you. 

I sent it to him and I eventually drove my car. I'm not going home to my own house. I'm going to stay at my parents house for a while until I heal. I feel like I'm gonna need my mom's shoulder to cry on.

While driving, I was crying so hard. I hit my chest so hard several times when I felt it's so hard to breath. I've never been so hurt like this before.

Oh God, I'm dying. 

I thought loving someone is pure happiness. Now I know that it isn't. When you love someone, you'll accept all the pain just to make the person you love happy.

I love Nini and I want to do what's best for her.

I'm finally letting her go. I give up not because I don't love her but because there's someone better for her.

I travel for few hours until I reached Seoul. My eyes were already swollen from crying and I feel so exhausted. Physically from driving for long hour and emotionally with all this pain I'm feeling right now.

I'm drained. I feel like I lost in a battle. I wasn't even allowed to fight. It feels like went in a war where there's already a winner and that's Kai not me.

I stepped inside my parents house heavy-heartedly. I chose to come here rather than stay at my house alone. It'll just hurt me more. It'll be hard for me to forget her if stay there because every single corner of that house will remind me of her and all the memorial we shared.

"Oh gosh, Pranpriya! What happened to you?" my asked as soon as she saw me.

"Mom," I called and that was the last word I said before I collapsed.

"Marco! Oh my gosh help me!" I heard my mom called dad.

Then everything turned black.

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