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This is one of the happiest days of my life. She finally here with me again. 

I don't even want to let her out of my sight because of the fear that I might loose her again.

We went out of the house while I was back hugging her.

"Hey you love birds come here the foods are ready!" Joy called us.

They built a tent on the shore to give them shade. Chaeyoung was eating barbeque beside Jisoo unnie. She even offers chicken to the latter.

Wow, that's new huh. Chaeyoung never shares food with anyone even with me. I can really sense something here.

We went to them while I'm still back hugging my baby girl. Why not? I'm just being clingy 'cause I missed her a lot.

I sat on the chair and I let her sit on my lap then I started feeding her like what we always do before.

"Oh my gosh yuck! You're so cringey. Couples are really corny," Wendy said. 

Wendy is single since birth so sometimes she's being like this even with Irene and Seulgi.

"Just find your own girlfriend or boyfriend," I said and glared at her.

Everyone laughed at us. 

I think Wendy should be in a relationship sooner so she'd understand how it feels to love like this.

"Wendy you're just envious. My cousin is single, do you want me to arrange a date for you two?" Irene asked jokingly.

"No way! I don't wanna be like you guys."

I should've recorded it so when she fall in love I could let her hear all the things she said. Haha.

We just laughed at her. 

I continued feeding my girl while I also eat. The already started eating too except for Irene and Seulgi who's grilling the foods.

"Hey guys you should leave something for us or else I'm gonna grill all of you," Seulgi shouted.

"Don't worry I'll leave some sticks," Chaeyoung said and we all laughed except the couple who are glaring at us.

I'm really happy right now. We're complete plus we have a new member, Jisoo unnie.

She's a little naive sometimes just like when I first saw Nini but she also learns fast and she could cope up with our craziness.

After eating we decided to take a swim. We played in the water splashing at each other. I really believe in the saying, 'the more, the merrier'.

We also played volley ball on the shore. 

It's really fun whenever these girls are free. I mean when we all have vacant times like this. We really spend the day having fun with each other.

Nini and I went further to the sea living the girls having fun on the shore. We're gonna have our own little world together here.

"How does it took like under the sea baby?" I asked.

"It's beautiful there. There are a lot of fishes coral reefs and we have a big kingdom. Every creature under the sea are our friends," she said.

"So that explains why you hate to eat sea foods," I chuckled.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm a cannibal if I do so."

I just laughed. 

"Baby, thank you for saving my life by the way," I said and kissed the top of her head.

"You're always welcome baby and of course I wouldn't let you drown. With me you're always safe in the water," she said and smiled.

"Last night I thought I was just dreaming when I saw you swimming towards me. I saw you and your tail but now you have feet. Can you show it to me?" 

I was just curious on how she'd with a tail. I know I saw her as a mermaid last night but my vision was already blurry that time.

"Sure," she said.

She closed her eyes and held her necklace. She started mumbling something like a mantra. 

I saw her feet slowly pressing towards each other and in a blink of an eye it became a tail.

Oh my fvcking gosh, it's beautiful. Her tail was greenish and it's so real.

I can't believe I'm seeing a beautiful mermaid right now. This isn't a dream?

"This is my true form," she said.

I was speechless with what I'm seeing right now. S-she really has a tail and she's not fvcking lying when she said she's a mermaid.

I even touched it and there were scales just like fishes. Wow this is amazing.

"Are you scared of me?" 

"Of course not. Oh my gosh it's beautiful baby. Whether you have a tail our two feet, I'd still love you regardless of what you are."

I said and kissed her passionately. 

I'm not scared, I'm not frightened. I'm even proud that I'm in love with a mermaid.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now