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After hours of working, I finally took a break and decided to just continue doing the chores tomorrow.

I'm so exhausted.

I took a can beer from the fridge and chugged it up. This what I call, celebration, partying alone.

"Lalisa yahhh!" I almost choked up with the beer when I heard a familiar voice calling me from outside.

It's Chaeng! I just wish she didn't bring a heard of people.

I opened the door and a warm embrace greeted me. Aw she's so sweet. I bet she missed me a lot. We haven't seen each other for like a week that's why she's acting so clingy. Fortunately, she came alone.

"Heyy! Why are you here?" I asked.

Her smile turned into frown. And then she hit my head.

"What was that for?" I asked in confusion.

"How dare say that to me? Am I not allowed to visit my bestie? Didn't you miss me?"

"Of course I missed you, you idiot but I didn't expect you to be here at this time of the day."

"You're so harsh Lisa! You even hang up on me earlier and you didn't held a party. You're no fun Manoban," she pouted and pretended as if she was hurt.

"Idiot," I giggled.

I let her in.

"By the way, you got yourself a lovely house. I think I might sleep over often."

"Well, I don't mind. You can be my dish washer."

She glared at me.

She took  a beer, opened the TV and slumped in the couch like she's the boss. What an idiot.

I just joined her watch Tangled.

Why? Can't we like Disney ?

"She's so hilarious. You wouldn't even think she's a princess. Just imagine other princesses being proud of dating their princes while she's dating a badass thief. Just think about it," she was laughing while munching on the chicken she brought with her.

"If you won't shut up, I'll hit you with a pan just like what she did to Flinn," I said in a serious tone.

She's so noisy! We've been watching this probably about 10 times already but here she is still laughing. I don't even see what's so funny about this movie.

"Hey, he's not Flinn, his real name is Eugene."

"It's the same person, idiot. Of course I  know everything about this movie don't you dare judge me." I glared at her.

After hours of drinking Chaeng decided to go home. She can't sleep over tonight because her sister Alice will be going home for vacation. She lives in Chicago. I bet there will be lots of chocolates later, that's always like that everytime she goes home.

And here I am alone again. I don't know why but I don't feel sad. I feel free. I was on my way to my room when I saw a beautiful view from the glass wall in my kitchen.

The full was shining brightly reflecting to the great body of water. It was breath taking. It's as if the moon was staring at itself.

My feet brought me to the bay. I shivered as the cold wind brushed my skin.

The sea is calling me. Damn I have to respond.

I took my clothes leaving only my underwears. So what, there's no one nearby anyway and it's already late night.

The water wasn't cold as I expected. In fact it was little warm. It feels relaxing in my body.

I let myself float in the sea with the reflection of billions of stars. Its like swimming in the sky. I'll always see this  heavenly bodies for free. Damn I love this place.

I was drown in this amazing experience when I heard a loud splash in the water.

What was that?

A shark?

I suddenly felt nervous. My heart started to beat erratically as I sensed danger.

"What are you? Is anyone there? Who are you?"

What the heck? I'm getting goose bumps.

I panicked and got out of the water immediately.

Before I enter the my house, I checked the sea trying to determine if there was really something there.

I was surprised to see something or someone to be exact. She looked lifeless floating towards the shore.

I forgot fear and run towards the girl to see if I could help.

I took her out of the water. She was not that pale. I checked her pulse and it was still beating though she wasn't breathing.

I tried to wake up but she just won't do it so I tried CPR. After six tries she finally responded and coughed all the water out.

"Miss, are you okay now?"

She didn't respond she started closing her eyes again instead. But this time she was already breathing and shivering.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now