CHAPTER XV. Amusement Park

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"Thank you for today Lisa," the girls thank me after we finished practicing.

"You're all welcome guys," I replied and gave them a smile.

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow," they said.

Jennie and I just waved at them as we walk out of the door.


We finished eating lunch now we're on the way to my second job.

"Uhm, I only have few schedule today. Do want to go to the amusement park?"

I just thought maybe she'd like to. I mean yeah I wanna have fun with her. I haven't went to amusement parks for a long time now. I just kinda miss those days too. Those place bring back childhood memories.

"What is amusement park Lili?" she asked.

Seriously? She don't know what amusement park is? Is it because she haven't been to places like those or she just forgot about it?

"Amusement park is like a magical place. There are amazing rides, games, shows, circus and many more. There are also lots of foods there. It's a place to have fun," I explained to her.

"Really? That sounds awesome. Sure let's go later," she said.

I can almost see sparkles in her eyes. She's excited eh? I just can't help but to let out a smile because of her cuteness.

Our subject today was a little girl. She's preparing for her seventh birthday. Everything went well with the shoot. She was well-behaved and that helped a lot.

After we finished the shoot we told the other staffs that we'll go ahead already.


"Tada! We're here!" I exclaimed enthusiastically.

I look at her and I can see awe in her expression. She surely looks like me when I also first went to a place like this.

It's a good decision to come here at night time because the colorful lights makes the place more magical.

As soon as we step inside together with a lot of people, we heard people screaming with fun. You can see smiles in everyone's faces.

This is indeed a happy place, a place where you could forget stress and sadness. You just have to have fun.

"Come on Nini, let's have fun," I said and dragged her to the Rollercoaster ride.

She was clueless but she seems excited about riding it. This ride is kinda extreme but this is so much fun. I'm just worrying about Jennie.

"What is this thing Lili?" she asked cluelessly.

"This is a rollercoaster. This is kinda scary but don't worry I'm here," I said and assuringly tapped her shoulder.

It's just scary at first but it's actually fun especially when you're with someone special.

"Okay, I trust you," she said and flashed her gummy smile.

"Come on let's go," I said and we both took a seat on the ride.

Minutes later, it started moving. I saw Jennie flinch but she tried to hide it. Is she acting tough just because of me?

"It's okay, I'm here I won't let anything bad to happen to you," I held her cold hand tightly like I'm never letting go of it.

It made her look at me with her cat eyes.

Those eyes are like oceans taking me deeper until I drown. But I'm not dying, it's the otherwise. This is the only drowning moment that can make my heart beat like crazy.

Jennie, why?

I've been living for more than two decades but why just now? I could've felt this earlier if you just came sooner.

And why you?

How could a mysterious stranger make me feel like this?

Suddenly, it's like the earth stopped revolving and the world became slow motion. All the screaming faded and all I could her was my heart beat and my heavy breathing.

She's so beautiful.

Her cat eyes, her lashes, her mandu cheeks and....

Her plump lips, it's seducing me without even doing anything. Suddenly, my throat felt dry.

I leaned over and let my lips land on to hers.

At this very moment, I already know what's happening to me.

She was shocked at what I did but she eventually responded with the same intensity.

It's like it's only the two of us. Who cares about the people? We're having our own world.

"Hey! Get a room!" a man behind us shouted.

We separated and giggled.

"He's just jealous," I said chuckled and she also did.

"Let's shout at the top of our lungs!"

"Ahhhhhhhh," we scream when the ride suddenly went down and went so fast.

"Ahhh, I love you Nini!"

I screamed.


Good thing she didn't hear it.

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