CHAPTER XIV. A little Something

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Chaeng already went home when I got out of the room. Luckily, she didn't forget to lock the door unlike the past days when she comes to visit.

I wore my apron and took the ingredients of my desired recipe. I know I'm not that good in cooking but I guess it's enough. When I was just learning I almost burned the house. 

I was such a disgrace to my father. Imagine, he was good at cooking while me I didn't even know how to fry hotdogs back then. But since I have to be independent, I had no choice but to learn.

Icooked a delicious breakfast for Jennie and I. I want her to have something to eat when she wakes up. 

Just when I finished setting up the table I saw her walking towards the kitchen, I mean towards me. 

And damn, she was only wearing my polo and that alone. Didn't I teach her already that she should at least wear under wears?

But she fvcking looks hot with only polo on her and oh, in that messy hair. Haven't I told y'all that she's fvcking gorgeous? 

"G-good morning Nini," I greeted her.

But why the heck am I stuttering? I should be used o
to seeing her like that. Even on the first day, I already saw her body. But why? 

Why is it suddenly getting hot in here?

"Good morning too Lili," she said and smiled. 

Wait, she doesn't feel uncomfortable with me after what happened last night?

Really? She's really unusual.

"I-uhm let's eat first," I said and took the seat across hers.

She also did the same and we both started eating silently. I kinda feel awkward and I can't find any words to break the ice.

Why did that thing even happen this early? I mean, damn I'm not regretting anything especially that thing but I think it just happened too soon. 

Oh my gosh, were not even in a relationship. We're just friends and that's what she thinks we are too. 

I like her, I like her a lot but I don't even know if she feels the same way. And maybe she's not even aware of what we did and what it means.

I know she's still confused about the things that's happening to her with her amnesia but here I am I added another confusing thing.

How am I suppose to explain this to her now?

"Lili," she called me. That brought me back to reality.

"Ah-eh what?" 

"Are you okay? I noticed you're barely touching some of your foods," she asked innocently.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just remembered something," I replied.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Ah I don't think it's the right time to talk about it. Let's just eat so we could go to work," I said and so we continued eating.

I'm just wondering what's on her mind right now. Jennie, I still want to know who you are.


"Wassup Lisa," Seulgi greeted me as soon as we got on their dance studio.

"Hey, Jennie," she greeted the girl besides me too.

"Hi Seulgi/Slugs," we said in unison. It made us look at each other and eventually look away. 

That was a little awkward.

"Hm, I noticed something between you too," Seulgi said out of the blue. She was even holding her chin like a detective.

"What?" we both said again.

We just heard a giggle from the gay in front of us.

"You are both blooming and why do you both look awkward? Especially you Lisa" said the slug.

Wait what? Am I that too obvious or is she a detective or something?

"W-what are you talking about?" 

Fvck, I'm stuttering again. Come on Lisa pull yourself together. I know actually know what she's trying to imply.

I cleared my throat and tried my best to act cool.

"Stop saying nonsense thing slugs. Call the others so we could start," I ordered to divert her attention.

She might end up saying horrible things.

"Aye aye captain," she said with a smirk plastered on her face.

Is that idiot trying to tease me?

We started dancing again while Jennie stayed at the bench. She just stood there watching us. 

While we keep practicing, I couldn't help but to look at her sometimes. Last night really had a big impact on me.

I can't get her out of my mind and even in my sight. Am I really that whipped for this innocent girl?

Is this a start of a little something?

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