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After my little surprise, we went back inside and we cuddled in bed all night.

I hugged her a lot of times and kissed her as many times as I could. I know I'm gonna miss it so I'm doing it will I still have time.

When she feel asleep I went to the bathroom again and let all the pain go. I cried hard until my tears stopped falling.

Then I went back to her side and hugged her until I fell asleep.

It's already 7:00 am but I still don't want to get up. I'm just taking my time staring at her while she's peacefully sleeping. 

She looks like an angel. 

I trailed every detail of her face with my fingers. I caressed her mandu cheeks lightly. Uwu, I'm gonna miss pinching this.

I touched her soft lips, hm I'm gonna miss kissing this. 

My heart feels heavier than the previous days. I have been preparing myself for this moment but it seems that I'm still not ready and I don't think I'll ever will be.

I was busy staring at her when my phone suddenly rang. I know who it is.

I got up and answered the phone.

"Hello," I said as I answered the call.

I went out of the house to prevent Nini from hearing our conversation.

"Lisa, are you ready? I want to meet her soon," he said.

I can feel how much he wants to see his girl. If I'm on his shoes maybe I would feel the same. After more than a month he'll finally meet his future wife which is unfortunately my girlfriend.

"Yeah, let's meet at the same cafe. And Kai, please take care of him, alright?" I said.

"Of course, she's gonna be my wife and I love her so much. I'll help her remember all our memories," I can sense that he's smiling at the moment.

Kai is really a good guy. I can trust him with Jennie or Krystal to be exact.

"By the way, Lisa thank you so much for saving her and for taking care of her. I thought I'd never see her again."

My heart really aches like hell. I should be happy right? I should be happy for my Nini. She's gonna meet her family again.

"Oh that's nothing. I just did what any person would do," I replied.

I never told Kai that Nini and I are in a relationship. I don't want to hurt his feelings. I just told him that I'll prepare myself and Nini for separation from each other.

"So, 10 am in the same cafe okay?" 

"Yes, we'll arrive on time," I said.

"Okay bye see you later."


Every minute and every second, my heart gets heavier and heavier. The end is coming. My end is coming. 

Argh! It hurts! I hit my chest trying to ease the pain but no nothing seems get it off me. It gets worse and worse.

While cooking our breakfast, I was shedding tears. I must say, this isn't the happiest day for me. Though I'm breaking right now I still have to take care of her. I'll still feed her like I usually do.

Just when I was finished, I saw her coming out of the room. I immediately wiped my tears and pulled myself together.

"Hey baby, good morning!" I greeted her with a wide smile plastered on my face.

That's a good facade. Keep smiling Lalisa, keep hiding the pain.

"Good morning baby," she greeted back and hugged me. 

I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. 

"Awe, my baby being sweet at this early in the morning." 

I pinched her mandu cheeks playfully.

"Let's eat baby."

I said and took a sit. She didn't bothering sitting on the chair she just prefer sitting on my lap.

I started feeding her. And I also forced myself to eat though I don't have an appetite. It's so hard, it felt like there's a big lump on my throat but I don't want her to know that I'm feeling this.

"Baby, I bought a beautiful dress for you. Wear it today, we're gonna meet someone special."

Someone special to her. Fvck! It really hurts.

"Sure baby. Who are we going to meet today?"

"It's a secret," I said and giggled though it was fake I still tried to make it convincing.

"Okay," she pouted.

I just pinched her cheeks. She really never fail to look cute even on times like this.

After eating, we took a bath respectively and I let her wear a beautiful white dress. She so gorgeous. 

"Come on baby, let's go."

And we went on our way to the cafe.

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