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I woke up as I felt warm rays of sunlight striking my skin.

I opened my eyes and saw an angel hugging me tightly. I really did fell asleep last night. 

I'm sorry my Nini.

I kissed her forehead, her nose her cheeks and her lips but just a peck. I was surprised when she opened her cat eyes. 

She smiled at me and I did the same.

"Good morning baby," I greeted her and kissed her forehead again.

"Good morning too," she said and attacked me with her kissed.

She planted light kisses all over my face. I just giggled because it's ticklish.

"So you're a kissing monster now?" I said while still laughing.

"Yes, I am." 

She grabbed my nape and kissed me passionately. Fvck I didn't see this coming.

I had no choice but to respond. I kissed her back with the same intensity. I inserted my tongue inside her mouth and bottled with her sweet tongue. Yes, it's a tongue war baby.

"Uhm," she moaned in between our kisses. 

That brought me back to reality. Oh fvck! I must stop this before we get to do that thing. 

After battling with temptation, I finally decided to separate my lips from hers. We were both catching breath. 

"Let's grab some food baby, we're going home today." 

Today, is our last day together. Yes, it hurts to think about it but that's the truth. Today's my last day with her before I give her back to where she belong.

"Okay, anyway I'm hungry too," she said and chuckled.

We took a bath together and I really tried my best to fight temptation. I'm just gonna feel guilty in the end if I do it.

Before we started traveling we ate the restaurant in the resort first. We also brought some snack in case we get hungry while driving.

"I kinda miss our home," she said out of the blue. 

"Me, too but don't worry we'll arrive soon and we can spend the days cuddling on the couch while doing movie marathon again," I said pinched her cheek playfully.

"I like that."

I like that too. I want us to do that for the rest of our lives but destiny is not supporting that idea. We can't do that, maybe with Kai she can but me? No laters gonna be the last because tomorrow they're finally gonna meet each other.

Our story is gonna end but theirs is just gonna continue.

"Hey it's McDonald's!" she exclaimed as we approach the fastfood restaurant.

"Do you want us to buy something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I want fries burger and sundae baby."

We just went and drive thru. I ordered two of each foods that she mentioned. Of course I have to order for myself too.

After that, I continued driving so we could arrive home immediately.

While I was driving she's the one who's feeding me. She's currently stuffing fries in my mouth. 

"Do it slowly baby," i said and giggled. 

I still wasn't able to swallow the food but she's putting some inside my mouth again.

"You have to eat fast," she laughed.

"You naughty girl," I said while munching the foods in my mouth.

I remembered the first time we went to McDonald's. She was like a baby. What I liked the most was her reaction while eating the foods for the first. She was so adorable.

I wanna take her to McDonald's whenever she wants me but now I don't have to. Kai is gonna take her to fancier restaurant and I bet she'd them more.

A few moments later, we finally arrived in our home sweet home. I brought our things inside. 

Meanwhile, she immediately ran towards the couch and watched on the TV.

My señorita, she didn't even help me carry some of our things.

When I finish bringing our things in, I eventually dived on the couch and I pillowed my head on her lap.

She played with my hair while she was watching. 

"Baby no matter what happens, always remember that I love you so much okay?" 

"Of course, why are suddenly saying things like that?" she asked.

"Hm, nothing. I just want to remind you everyday"

I want to but this is probably gonna be the last day I'll be able to tell her how much I love her.

THE MERMAID | JenLisaWhere stories live. Discover now