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I wrapped her with the clothes I took off earlier and carried her to my house. She's surprisingly light-weighted and she was petite.

I put her on the couch while I prepared the bath tub with warm water. I think it's enough to make her warm.

I took off all her clothes without malice and let her stay at the tub with warm water. I'm a girl too and I have what she have so I don't mind and she shouldn't too anyway I'm just trying to save her life.

After few minutes she still wasn't waking up but her breathing became stable and it's as if she was just sleeping peacefully. Her skin is still pale and I think that's her original skin color but her lips which was almost violet earlier is now peach. It's so cute.

Her curly hair was as black as the night and her long lashes are like waves of the ocean.

I haven't noticed her features earlier since I was panicking but she's actually gorgeous. She's like an angel.
Is she even a human?

But I couldn't help but to wonder why she was there? What happened to her? And I couldn't also stop thinking of the possibilities that would happen if I wasn't there to save.

This poor girl could've died in that sea. But anyway who is she?

She still haven't wake up after what I did and I don't think she's gonna wake up tonight. I just decided to take her out of there and dress her up with some of my clothes. I put pajamas on her and let her sleep in my bed.

I took time staring at her while a lot of probabilities cloud up my mind.

All I could say is that she's so beautiful.

I turned off the lamp and left the room. I'll just sleep at the couch tonight.

It's my first night in this house and guess what I'm not gonna be sleeping in my own bed but it's okay. Helping was the most satisfying thing I could ever do today.

I let myself drown into my own thoughts until I fall into deep slumber.

I woke up because of a loud sound coming from my room. It was as if something fell. I rushed to my room to see what happened. And I was a little surprise but overwhelmed to see the girl finally awake but not good with this situation. She's lying on the floor feeling the pain.

Therefore I conclude, she's the one who fell.

I helped her get up. She stared at me with full of confusion visible in her brown cat-like eyes.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked.

The heck Lisa of course she's not okay. Who on earth is okay almost drowning and falling just minutes ago. That was a stupid question.

"I aside from my butt hurting from the fall, I feel nothing so I think I'm okay," she said casually.

"Uhm what's your name?" I was a little shy but I'm so curious I can't help it.

She paused for like a minute as if trying to figure something out but she just ended up frowning.

"I-I don't know." She said confusedly.

What? She don't know even her own name? Seriously is she kidding me? But she doesn't seem like she is.

"Do you mean, you forgot your name?" I asked.

"Maybe. I don't know anything. By the way where am I and who are you?" It was her turn to ask. Luckily for her, I'm not into a state like amnesia just like her.

"I'm Lisa, Lalisa Manoban. You're here in my house. I brought you here last night when I found you. You almost drown," I explained to her.

"Why would you save me?"

Wow, is that even a question?

"Simply because I'm a human and you're a human too and a human has a soft heart and I do have that and I was concerned and my conscience won't let me sleep if I ignore you so I helped you."

I don't know what I was talking about but I was trying to explain don't judge me men.

There was a long silence until a boiling sound of a stomach was heard.

"What was that?" She asked with her forehead creased in curiosity.

"That was your stomach dummy," I chuckled and mindlessly pinched her nose like what I do with kids.

She just stared at me with her signature look, the confused look.

It was too late when I realized what I did. The aura became awkward, luckily I have to cook and that became an excuse.

"I'm just gonna cook breakfast. You can just take a bath while I'm still cooking foods." I suggested but she shook her head.


"I-I don't know how to take a bath," she said shyly.

Seriously? Who on earth wouldn't know how to take a bath. Even toddlers know how to do it on their own. This girl is such a mystery.

"Seriously?" I said giggling.

She just nodded.

"Come here lemme teach you."

I dragged her to the bathroom and thought her how to use the shower, how to apply shampoo and soap and how to rinse herself and to wipe herself with towel. Seriously this girl is like a baby. I can't help but smile at her silliness.

After reaching her everything she needs to know, I left her to start taking a bath. I left clothes for her in the bed for her to use it.

I started cooking our breakfast in the kitchen.

I think I have to report this to the police. Her family might be looking for her.

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