J.J. {Nate x Reader}

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Sorry, school has been biting me in the ass

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I push the cart along, my daughter skipping by my side. The little five year old is J.J. Her father left when I got pregnant, we were set to get married, but I guess he didn't want kids. I was 25 at the time, so I was a little young to some people, but I was ready. And I love J.J. with all my heart. Her bouncy, black, curly hair is tied up in pigtails with ribbons. They swish along with every step. "Mommy, can I get marshmallows?" She looks at me with her big greens eyes. "J.J, you know we aren't here to shop for s'mores. We are just getting the things on the list." I smile at her little pout. "Please Mommy!" She pleads. I chuckle. "How about this? We get marshmallows, and you eat all of your vegetables tonight at dinner." She gives a huge smile. She wasn't a real fussy eater, but would sometimes not want her vegetables, preferring fruit.

"Yay! Thank you, mommy!" She cheers. A few people in the store look towards as, but smile when they see the excited little girl. But in he excitement, J.J starts to run from the aisle. "J.J, wait!" I call, leaving the cart. She runs into a break in-between two aisles, almost being hit by someone else with a cart. Luckily, the man stops as I grab J.J's hand. I look at the man. He looks as surprised and relieved as I do. "Jessica June, you know better." I scold, making her look down. I turn to the man again, now noticing how attractive he is with his dark hair and sparkly eyes. He has small gauges in, and a black T-shirt on. "I'm so sorry about her, she was excited about marshmallows." I chuckle. He gives me an award winning smile that make my heart leap. "No problem, I'm Nate." He introduces. We shake hands. "(Y/n), and this is J.J."

"Oh, short for Jessica June, right? I like that name, it's cute." He praises. I giggle slightly, but then clear my throat. I continue to smile though. "Thank you. I always like the name Jessica, and June was my mother's name." He nods. "I late you name too!" J.J announces, making her presence known. Nate kneels down to her level with a smile. "Well, I like you boots." She gives a toothy grin, proud of her ladybug rain boots that she always wears. "Well I like your... earrings." He laughs, making music to my ears. "Thanks, J.J." I like how he interacts with her, mast people seem afraid of her boundless energy and spotlight stealing. "I like him, Mommy. He like my boots!" She says excitedly. Although I blush at her next words. "I want him to be my new dad. He's cool." I'm so madly red and embarrassed that J.J. slips from my grasp, and walks back to the cart. I can see her stand next to the cart, so I don't move quite yet.

"I, um, sorry about her." I say. "She comes on a little strong sometimes." I chuckle thinking of past instances. Usually people are freaked out by this point, but he just smiles. "I don't mind. She's really cute. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be her dad." I thought he was still talking about his fondness for J.J., which was about to be creepy to me, until I realized he want just talking about J.J. He was talking about me too. "Oh, uh, um, I, well..." I'm blushing madly. "He didn't want a kid." I whisper. He frowns a little. "I'm sorry about that." I wave him off. "No, it's fine. I love her, and I'm happy to have her." He smiles, looks down for a moment, then looks at me again. "Well, if would ever want to go on a date, seeing as J.J. thinks I'm a good contender, I'd like to get to know you more." He hands me a slip of paper with his number. "I'd like to see you again." And with that, he walks off with his cart to continue shopping.

I meet back up with J.J. at the cart. "What did he give you?" She ask, curiosity in her eyes. "A way to talk to him." I explain simply. "Come on, let's go get marshmallows." I say, whilst partly thinking of when to call him. "So he can be my new daddy?" J.J asks, her pigtails bouncing as she turns. "Something like that, come on we have shopping to do." How long should I wait because I am so calling him.

Don't worry guys, I plan on doing a part 2, maybe a part 3 depending on how much I do in part 2.

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