Mothers Day {Nate x Reader}

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Nate P.O.V.

I wrangle our seven year old son Jason and our five year old daughter Cameron into the kitchen. They giggle and skip loudly, causing me to continuously shush them. I can't help but smile at their excitement anyways. We were making (Y/n) breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. "Kids, you need to be quiet, or else you'll wake Mommy up." I laugh quietly. Jason nods with a toothy grin while Cameron covers her mouth with her hand. I used them into the kitchen. "What should we make her?" I ask. "Princess Toast." Cameron squeals. Jason and I share a fearful look. 'Princess Toast' consisted of toast with pink frosting, jellybeans, both peanut butter and jelly, marshmallows, and pickles for some reason. She made it once a few months ago, and no one would eat it except (Y/n) since she just had to be the parent that can do anything. She was sick for a week after.

"Uhh, I don't think we have everything for princess toast." I chuckle nervously. Cameron frowns, while Jason sighs with relief. "How about we make chocolate chip pancakes?" I suggest. "Yeah, come on Cameron. It's actually edible." Jason says. "What's edible mean." She asks. "Don't worry about it." I say, giving Jason a stern look. He just shrugs. I pull down bowls and ingredients, while they pull chairs to the counter to help. "Mommy will love it." Jason says proudly adding chocolate chips to the mixture. I ruffle his black hair. "She sure will, as long as you add love." Cameron, taking this seriously, starts hugging the bowl. "I'm adding so much love." She giggles. I laugh. "Come on ya goofs, let me cook the pancakes." I start pouring batter into a pan to cook them. "When can I flip it." Jason asks. "When you're older. It's too hot. One day, bud." I reassure. "How about you and your sister set up the serving tray." I suggest. He nods with a smile. I set the utensils, plate, napkin, glass, and tray for them to arrange how they like.

Once I've made a few pancakes, I plate them on the plate the kids set on the serving tray. "Very nice you two." I fill the glass (F/d), hand the kids some flowers I bought, and grab the tray. "Okay, lets go wake Mommy up with some food." "And flowers." Cameron adds. Jason swings the bedroom door open where I see my gorgeous wife sleeping peacefully. I stop in the doorway, just staring at her. The sunlight from the window makes her face glow, and there's a small trace of a smile on her lips. A tug on my pants makes me come out of my trance. "Daddy, come on." Jason whispers. "Sorry." The kids jump onto the bed while I gently shake (Y/n)'s shoulder with one hand. She stirs awake, and looks around. She smiles when her eyes land on the flowers Cameron holds out. "Well isn't this just the best way to wake up?" She says, sleep in her voice. "Well it gets better." Jason exclaims, pointing at the tray in my hand.

(Y/n)'s face lights up. "You guys are so sweet!" She exclaims. I set the tray door, pecking her lips. She wraps Jason and Cameron into a hug. "I added a lot of love, Mommy. Just for you." Cameron tells her. She chuckles, and looks at me. There's so much love and happiness in her (E/c) eyes it makes my heart swell. "I can tell." She says. "Why don't you two go get dressed while I eat, okay?" They nod, running out of the room after handing me the flowers. I kiss her passionately. "You know you're the perfect man right?" "Well you're the perfect woman. Happy Mother's Day, baby. I love you."

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