FUUUUUUC- {ChildYoutubers x Reader}

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This was requested by @costa_coffee123
Hope it's good 😊

(Y/n) P.O.V.

My pings. I check it to see a notification from YouTube. Jacksepticeye posted a video. I sigh. I've been super busy helping my friend out while in the hospital after her major surgery. She doesn't have any family in LA, and they can't fly in, so I've been helping her, keeping her company. Between that and my job at a local 24/7 pet shelter, and not to mention my (boy/girl)friend, I haven't really been keeping up with YouTube. (Okay, mini rant here, I'm curious about how zoos and animal shelters work right now. I mean, people still have to go into work to take care of the animal, right? How is no one talking about those people where it's not a essential business, but they still have to go in. I don't know about you, but I think those people should included of the lists of the times hero's. They are still helping the animals! Okay sorry.) I haven't watched any of my favorite creators in a long time. I love my job, and my friend, but really need a break. I decide that tonight, assuming I get home at a decent time, I'll relax with a bubble bath, and maybe catch up some.


I groan in exhaustion. I open my door, and find its 3:46a.m. I had stayed late at the shelter to train some of the pets, and lost track of time. I guess I'll save that bubble bath for another time. I don't want to wake up really late tomorrow, so I change into a comfy pair of shorts and a tank top, and I simply sink into my bed, relishing the soft and comfortable sheets.


I wake up to screaming. Childlike screaming. Alarmed, a grab the bag from under my bed, and start slowly investigating the house. Someone broke in? With kids? Someone's keeping kids hostage here? Oh god, it's a serial killer! I find myself in the living room with five terrified looking children. I scream, making their heads swivel towards me. In a panic, I fall backwards onto my ass. I scoot back a bit. "How did you get in here?" I ask, pointing the bat at the children who appear to be 6 or 7. "I don't know!" One kid, with brown shaven hair and blue eyes, says while bursting into tears. "Hey, hey, hey, Uh, don't do that, umm, come here." I awkwardly pull the seemingly frightened child into a hug. "Ummm.... what are your names? Are you brothers? Do you live in LA? Where are your parents?" I ask once the crying boy has reduced to sniffles.

They all seem confused and scared. "Listen this is going to sound crazy, but we are adults." One boy, with black hair and seemingly Asian, claims. I can't help but laugh. "Yeah right, and I'm PewDiePie." I scoff. "Actually, I am." A blonde kid with coincidently a Swedish accent says. I laugh harder. "Sure kid. Last I checked Pewds was an adult." "Yeah well last I check, I had a normal sized-" "Felix!" A kid with an Irish accent interrupts. I stop. Felix... I set the previously crying boy down. "Hold on, hold on. You're being serious?" "Yes!" They all shout. "Alright. Let me... figure out who's who." I look at them all closely. "Well you're obviously Felix, and you've gotta be Jack, I'm pretty sure your Mark, and Nate....but I don't know you." I say to the crying boy. He pouts while the others laugh. "I'm Ethan." He grumbles. "Ah! My sweet baby Ethan, what did you do to your hair!" I shout, picking up the...I guess boy, and hugging him tightly.

"I shaved it for charity." He shrugs. "Right... so how did you all get here?" I ask, still clutching the child Ethan. "We don't know. We were all at Mark's last night since Jack and Felix are in town, playing some games, and we crashed there. Next thing we know we wake up as kids and a strange living room!" Nate exclaims. I can't help but laugh. They're voices are obviously much smaller and squeakier. "What's so funny?" Nate asks. "Well, I'm clearly going insane. And also, I hope you don't plan on singing with that voice any time soon!" I laugh. He grumbles. "If your insane, we all are." Jack insists. "How long do we have until Jack and Felix are supposed to go back?" "A week." "Well then, we need to find a solution. And given you're all like.. six... you need a babysitter. I just don't know who will take care of five kids that aren't mine....so I guess you're stuck with me guys."

"I don't find that to be a bad thing." Mark says with a wink. I laugh. "Sorry Mark, but not only are you a kid, I'm in a relationship." He shrugs. "I'm a charmer." He simply states. "Right....I'll uh, make some pancakes. And call into work about the day off." They all perk up. I'm drowned in a sea of "I wanna help's" and "let me do something's" I chuckle, but and internally frightened. I can't tell if it's them being them, or if they've forgotten to be adults. Are they mentally reverting too? I grab my phone, and lead them to the kitchen. I set up the ingredients and a recipe, and they go to work while I wait by the griddle for batter. I call into work, feigning sickness, and making sure they know I'm going to stay home. After 20 minutes of kitchen work, we all have a plate of pancakes.

"Fuck these tiny hands! I can't do cut it!" Ethan wails. Of them all, he appears to have gained most of the childishness. "Here." I say, cutting the pancake into piece. He giggles. "Thank youuu!" I nervously laugh. Mark looks at me like he knows, and maybe he does because he looks at Ethan with concern. "So your just gonna help a bunch of random people turned child...why? Are you a psycho?" Felix asks. Jack hits his arm. "What?" He protests. "I don't know maybe. But you guys have helped my through some tough times unknowingly, and I guess I want to return the favor. And I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys right now. Plus I haven't watched YouTube in so long, so I guess this is my way of apologizing." I joke. I notice Nate looking at his arms. "What's wrong?" I asks. "There's nothing there." He replies. "Umm... and that's bad?" "Tattoos. My tattoos." He says, his face scrunched in confusion. "What?!?" Jack looks at his own arm. "Fuck!" 

"Okay, okay! Can you guys remember anything else about last night." They all shake their heads. I groan. "What's wrong?" Jack asks. I glare at him. "What's wrong is that I just became a mom to five adult men with no clue where to fix it." He immediately hushes and returns his focus to his pancakes. "Alright, well, I have a guest room. The bed should be big enough for you all." Once everyone is done, and bring all the dishes back to the kitchen, put them in the sink, and return to the group. "I'm borrrred!" Mark groans. Flustered by the sudden riot for entertainment, I plop them in front of the tv, and give them the remote. "Ohhh! Let's watch Rick and Morty!" Jack shouts. I snatch the remote, then change it to Spongebob. "Hey!" "That show isn't for kids!" "In case you forget, I'm not a kid." "You are now." "You're not my mom!" "That's what a kid would say." I retort. Jack pouts, defeated, and slides back onto the couch. What do I do? I can't google search this?

I start pacing behind the couch, thinking of explanations or solutions. I'm broken from my thoughts by Nate. "I'm trying to watch Spongebob." He says sassily. I stick out my tongue at him. He laughs as he sits back down. I decide to relax a minute, sitting in the floor in front of the couch. I'm eventually lulled to sleep after watching Spongebob for a few hours.


I wake in the floor, my head rested on the couch. I find that it's almost eleven at night. The TV has Steven Universe on now, which I assume is a recording because it's so late. The five are laying across each other on the couch, and food boxes and bowls lay scattered on the floor. I guess they didn't want to wake me and skipped through lunch and dinner. I don't why, but in kinda mad they didn't wake me for an actual meal. But I'm also really glad for that rest. I decide to not wake them, carrying them two at a time to the bedroom. I place them in the large bed side by side, tucking the blanket to their chins. In a spurt of motherly instincts, I kiss Ethan's forehead. I go to leave, but I hear one of them stirring. I look back to see Ethan. "(Y/n)...?" He whispers. I smile. "It's me. Go to bed, Ethan." "Do you think we'll be stuck like this for good. I'm scared. I don't want to be stuck like this." He says quietly. "I don't know. But no matter what, I'll help you guys. I promise. Go to sleep." He smiles. "Thank you." Then he turns on his other side to sleep. I leave, leaving the door open a crack.

I go back to the living room to clean the boxes and plate, and turn off the TV. I grab my phone the. Go to my room. I have two messages. One from my Firenze asking where I was today. I tell her I was sick. The other is from my (boy/girl)friend saying we need to talk. The classic break up line. Nervously, I call them. They answer in the first ring. "Hey." I say. "Hey... you've been really busy lately." I sigh. "I know. I'm trying to make time, babe, really." "(Y/n), I've seen you twice in the past six weeks!" "I don't even have enough time for myself, I'm sorry if I can't be around all the time!" I retort. "It's over." And then they hang up. Frustrated, I throw the phone at a wall, and flop onto my bed. Great...I just became a single mom.

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