{Felix x DemiGodReader}

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Percy Jackson Crossover!!

WARNING: Possible spoilers ahead for this book series!!!

This is going to take place after the Heroes of Olympus saga. I know Luke died, but....fanfic logic XD So anyway Percy is like 19-20, and you're 25.

Request by @hercega

(Y/n) P.O.V.

I returned to my home in Brighton that I shared with my boyfriend, Felix. I had just gotten home from visiting my brother and mom in America. My brother, Percy, and I are both powerful demigods. Our father was Poseidon, god of the sea. He stayed with our mom, Sally, for as long as he could before Zeus forbid the gods from seeing their children. Monsters were always chasing after demigods, so we lived at camp half blood for awhile. I eventually moved away once I learned how to protect myself. For a long time, I didn't get close to anyone, to afraid of them getting hurt because of me. But then I met Felix and he just had to break through. I really love him. "Felix! I'm home!" I call as I open the door. The only problem is that it's dark and way too quiet. "Felix?" I call out, concerned. I get no reply. I search the house. Maybe he's asleep. Or out? But he knew I was coming back today. I walk into our bedroom, and I find a note on the bed. At first, I think it's from Felix, so I pick it up with a soft smile. But when I read the note, my blood runs cold.

Oh, dear, poor, (Y/n),

You thought you could run away from the past, didn't you? Little lamb, so far from home...

Well you can't run from me. I have your boyfriend. Felix, is it? Not that it matters,

He won't last long

If you want to see him before he dies, come find me. I'll be waiting where we always wanted to go.

History has a funny way of catching up, huh old friend?

Luke Castalian

I drop the letter, rushing out of the house. I need to get back to America. Fast. I only stopped long enough to grab my sword, Tidal. It looked like a normal pen until I took off the cap. A plane would take to long so I go to the ocean. The Atlantic Ocean was between Brighton and America, and traveling this way would be fastest for me. I touch the water from the shore, already feeling powerful just by touching it. "Take me where I need to go. Please." I control the water to propel myself quickly. I move so fast, it would probably kill a normal person. But the water, me being Poseidon's daughter, grow stronger from the water. It takes what I estimate and hour to get to America. I crash onto the shore of what should be New York. I get weird looks from passerby's, but I ignore them, determined to get Felix back. I search around in a wooded area for a stream to make a rainbow with for an Iris message. I pull a gold drachma from my pocket. I always carry some.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering." I say, sending it to Percy. "Percy? Percy?" I ask hysterically. "...(Y/n)?" "Yes, Percy it's me! Luke is active again. He kidnapped my....my boyfriend." "Since when are you dating...Nevermind. Do you know where he is?" "I think so, but I need help! Please, Percy." "Of course I'll help, (Y/n). If it is Luke, we're goi g to need a lot of help. Meet me at Camp Half Blood and we can gather some of my friends." "Percy, I don't have time, I need-" "(Y/n), you know Luke did this for a reason. He won't hurt him until he gets what he want from you." "Wow, that's reassuring." "Sorry." "Fine. Camp Half Blood." "Good. I'll see you there." And with that the message cuts out.


With tired feet I cross the barrier into Camp Half Blood. It's been years since I've actually been here, but it still feels like home. I make my way towards the cabins, looking for Percy. I hear hushed whispers of new and familiar campers as I walk past them. While looking, I bump into a familiar face. Chiron. "(Y/n), it's wonderful to see you." He smiles. "Hey, I need to find Percy. I'd love to catch up another time, but I need Percy." I smile tightly. "Ah, yes, Percy informed me of the predicament. He's in the armory with his friends." "Thank you." I rush to the armory. I find my brother along with 6 other people. I hug Percy tightly. "Hi, I'm back." "Right, I noticed." I wave at Percy's girlfriend, Annabeth. She waves back. "Who are the others?" I ask point ping at the other four people. "Right. This is Jason, Leo, Frank, Piper, and Hazel. I met them when I...wasn't myself." He introduces, referring to when Hera stole his memory. I nod. "(Y/n), Percys sister, thanks for helping."

"So, you said you thought you knew where they were?" Annabeth asks. I hand her the note. "He told me one night that he wanted to see the Grand Canyon. I agreed. It was something we shared. That has to be it." I start to tear up. "I shouldn't have left. If I didn't leave, a Felix wouldn't be in trouble right now. Maybe none of us would be." I sniff. Percy puts a hand in my shoulder. "It's not your fault. We'll find him." He reassures. I smile, and ruffle his hair. "Your right. Now...let's go kick Luke's ass."


It's dawn. The tired group of demigods makes its way to the edge of the canyon. "It's strange. It's so peaceful." I say, looking down the chasm without emotion. "One of the many reasons to see it." A voice calls from behind us. I turn to see Luke. He holds a sword to Felix's neck. I hear Felix curse in Swedish. "Let him go, Luke. He has nothing to do with this." I growl. "But he does. I needs some leverage. I need help to raise Kronos, and who better then eldest daughter of Poseidon. You've got the power, the charisma, the strength. I need you on my side." "Not a chance." We all get into ready battle positions. "See... I thought you might say that." "(Y/n), this guys fucking crazy! Just get away from him." I'm flattered that he's still trying to protect me. "Shut up hostage." Luke whistles and monsters come up behind him. "Shit...." I whisper. The monsters charge us, while Luke runs with Felix. "(Y/n) we got these guys, go after Luke." Percy sours. I nod and run after my old friend.

I control the morning mist to create a wall of water in front of Luke. He fails to dodge, and falls through it. He ends up releasing Felix as they fall through. That control drained me, but I'm filled with a lot of adrenaline from the chase that I'm still standing. I point my sword at Luke while he's down. "Don't ever. Touch. My boyfriend. Again." I hiss. He laughs. "You forget... I'm a skilled swordsman too." He grabs his sword, and swings it at me. I use Tidal to block his attack. Luke strikes again at my abdomen. I dodge, spinning into a strike towards his shoulder which he blocks. "We don't need to do this (Y/n). You can join me and then they all can leave unharmed." Luke says, striking again. I block with a grunt. "Not happening." I use the mist again, forcing him to the ground. I stand over him. "It's over, Luke. Leave and never return." He scowls, swinging his blade up unexpectedly. The blade embedded itself in my side. I fall to my knees, grunting. Luke gets up, and runs. "(Y/n)!" Felix yells, running to my side.

"Hey, stay awake!" He holds my face in his hands. I hug him. "Are you Alright? Did he hurt you?" "I'm not concerned about me." He whispers. "I'm okay. Honest." "(Y/n), you just got stabbed!" The others coming running to us. "Are you oka- (Y/n)!" Percy drops to my side next to Felix. "Here..." Percy contorts the mist into a ball of water, which I touch. I feel the water close the wound, healing it. I'm weak, but not bleeding. Felix looks on in awe and confusion. "What did I just witness?" "I...have a lot to tell you."


"I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." I say after telling Felix who I really am. "No, I just...wish I knew. But (Y/n), I love you. I don't care who your father is, nothing will change that. No one can stop me from loving you. Screw Poseidon. I love you." I smile. "I love you too, Felix." We kiss. "My girlfriend is a demigod....Nope, I'm not used to it yet." He jokes. "Just shut up and kiss me." And he does.

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