Broken Promise. {Jack x Reader}

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I peck Jacks lips as I'm set to leave. "Where are you going?" He asks. "My friend is playing her music in the park, and wanted me to be there." "Aww, do you have to?" I chuckle at his childishness. "Yes, but I'll be home soon." I promise. He grabs me around the waist, and sits me down on the couch with him. "Or you don't leave." "Seán William McLoughlin, let me go." I laugh. He pouts but does as told. "Thank you. I'll see you later." I kiss him once more before leaving the house. I decide to just walk to the park as it's a nice day out, and the park isn't far.


I was walking home after the show. I come up to a crosswalk, and press the button. The light turns to the walking signal, but I still take a second to look both ways across the street. Nothing. So I go. And little did I know, that was a mistake. Because from the corner of my eye I see a fast, bright, light come at me. I hear a smack, I feel pain, and then it's just darkness.


Jack P.O.V.

It's been a few hours. I didn't know how long her friend was playing, but I was worried. My phone rings. Thinking it's her, I dove for it and answer without checking the contact name. "Hello? Is the Seán McLoughlin?" A woman's voice asks. "Y-Yes." I answer shakily. "Do you know a (Y/n) (L/n)?" "Yes. She's my girlfriend. What happened?" I ask. "I'm sorry to tell you this sir, but you girlfriend was hit by a drunk driver in a truck on a crosswalk. She's currently at (Hospital Name) under our care, but she suffered from severe internal bleeding and head trauma." Oh no, oh please god no... "She's in a coma right now. We doubt she'll wake up. If you'd like to see her, please stop by the hospital." Her voice was sympathetic. It somehow made me feel worse. "Okay..." I hang up, and rush to get shoes while calling an Uber.

I tearfully walk into the hospital. "Hi, I'm looking for (Y/n) (L/n)'s room." "Room 117." The nurse points. I rush down the hall to the room. There's a window to see in the room. I see her, the love of my life, looking deathly pale and her also bruised. Her face looks so lifeless. It hurts me so much. Tears slip down my cheeks the longer I look at her. She right here, yet so far away. We doubt she'll wake up. That voice rings in my head, making me sob harder. "Oh god no..." I sob quietly, hiding my face in my hand. I cry outside for a few moments before entering her room. I walk over to the bed, and brush stray hairs from her face before sitting in a chair next to the bed, and holding her cold hand. My voice cracks as I speak. "Hey baby, it's me. I'm going to be right here, waiting for you....please come back to me. I need you. I can't lose you. I'm not strong without you. Please don't leave me." I sob, every emotion pouring from me. "I love you (Y/n). Please come back to me."

Her sweet voice and the way her face and eyes shine. The way she dances around and the passion she shows. Everything about her that I love comes to me. Everything is too eerily silent. Just the beeping of the machines. It haunts me. She'd hate the silence. At some point in my grief wracked state, I fall asleep, my hand still gripping hers tightly.


I'm startled awake by rapid beeping and yelling. I see doctors rushing in, and the hear monitor flat lining. "Sir, I need you to leave." A nurse instructs, moving me away. "No, I can't lose her. She's my girlfriend, I can't lose her." I'm sobbing again. "Sir, just wait here." The nurse says once I'm outside. I watch anxiously from the window. Please (Y/n), pull though. You can't do this. Please stay with me. My tears are like waterfalls at this point, and nothing can stop them. I watch her body convulse with each electric volt. The perform CPR, and continue to use defibrillate. After what seems like a lifetime, they stop. And so does her heart. The flatline rings out. I'm frozen. I can't breathe. I can't feel. I can't move. No....(Y/n) no.... "Official time of death, 3:57 am." A doctors says. I fall to my knees, and sob. "No (Y/n), you can't do this to me. You promised You'd be home soon. Please don't do this. Oh god, no..."

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