Please Read

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I'm sorry that this is not an update, but I feel that this needs to be said. As many of you know, a few days again George Floyd, a black man, was murdered. You may have seen information about it in news reports, or on social media, or from other people spreading word about. But for those of you who don't know he was a victim of pure police brutality and racism. While being arrested (the reason why doesn't fucking matter. He is dead), the police officer, who clearly does not deserve that title, was pinning George down in a manner of which George could not breathe. George said so, and yet the police still did not move him. The officer had him pinned and in hand cuffs, so there was no reason to not have moved. Moreover on this, the officer got away from this with no charges or punishment, and blew it out of proportion by telling people George was resisting arrest, but he wasn't. A man is dead. And no justice was served.

It's absolutely fucking disgusting to have to see this kind of shit. It's absolutely fucking disgusting to see that this racism and piss poor police work still exists. It's absolutely fucking disgusting that in 2020, there are people getting away with murder on account of "doing his job". No, this is just murder. George Floyd is one of many people who get treated like this and it's not fucking okay. I'm pissed and upset, many people are pissed and upset. This kind of shit going on isn't something I want my future family, my future kids and grandkids, to have to see. Many people have started to protest on account of this, and rightfully so. But two nights ago in my little town in Ohio, the protests got a little violent. I 100% with the cause, but I want to remind everyone that using violence to counteract violent only leads to burning the world. "An eye for an eye and the world goes blind." If you're apart of any protests, please try to remain peaceful. Keep your ground, but no one will listen to an angry mob. That being said, I want to strongly point out that I do believe in the protests for George Floyd's justice. Because this shit needs to stop.

Please stay safe



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