the only four

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"From what's point did it went wrong exactly?" , Taufan asked himself with a pained voice.

"We lose our brothers! w-what should we do now?!", Blaze shouted desperately as tears streaming down his cheeks.

Gempa has this pained expression on his face too. Ice's cold expression is noe replaced with a fragile facade that looks as thin as an snowflake.

It's only the four of them who remain here.

The main elements, Fire,Water,Earth and Wind.

That day they lost their beloved brothers.

They fought as much as they can, but in the end, they all failed.

Their brothers died, in front of their eyes.

And they could only cry as their beloved brothers fade away.

That memories always repeating itself as their terrifying nightmare, not letting them to have any good rest, haunting them everytime.

Taufan could remember it vividly, his big brother Hali who fades away in front of him, and smiled at him as he bid his goodbye.

"Take care of our brothers Taufan, i.."

"I'm sorry i can't be with you guys anymore..", He said while patting Taufan's head.


"Don't leave!", Taufan shouted as he wakes up.

His brothers only gave him a helpless yet understanding gaze, they can't say anything. How could they? when they all have been throught the same torture every single night.

"I'm sorry to wake you up..", he apologized to his tired faced brothers.

Tanah tried to comfort him, "it's okay, we all know how it feels.." , he said with his depressed expression.

Taufan is silent, our source of power is dissipating..

And that villain is still searching for us..

"It's just as if our life is a plaything, and we can only wait.", he mumbles under his breath.

he hates it.

He hates this situation.

He hates that villain who took away his brothers' life.

He hates how weak he is because he couldn't  prevent his brother's death.

But that voice echoed, that firm yet affectionate voice of his older brother.

"Take care of our brothers,Taufan." , that pained voice, his last words.

Taufan slapped his own face, "i'm so pathetic."

He suddenly wear a big grin, and then he smiled. "I still have a task.."

"I have to protect them..", he mumbled.

He then rise up from his sleeping bag, "..i will try to cook something, you guys should rest.", he said with his forced grin.

"Aren't you tired?", Gempa asked him, even when he is depressed, he still care about his brothers.

"I can't sleep. Don't worry i won't venture too far.", Taufan said with his default smile displayed on his face.

Thanks god i have this muscle memories so my face really know how to smile no matter what happened.

They have been hiding in this abandoned Planet where everything seems..lifeless.

It's dark, and damp. This planet is probably dying.

Taufan gathers plants that looks edible, if only Thorn is here..

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