A new start?

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Taufan can't see anything, it's dark.

"Hey, am i finally dead?", he asked to himself.

His head is so dizzy, and his heart feels like it's burning.

"Is death tastes like this?", he asked again, breaking the silence.

"Shut up for a second will you?", a voice answered him.

"Huh? You are here?", Taufan asked that voice. He seems surprised.

"Can you please shut up? I'm trying to transmigate your soul.", The reverse answered him.

Taufan nodded, he stayed silent until the reverse said something.

"The configuration is done, now we should wait.",he said to Taufan.

"Wait? Why we?", He asked the reverse.

"Didn't i tell you? I'll lend you my power.", The reverse said with an annoyed voice, pissed because Taufan asked something so obvious.

"You will literally go with me?", Taufan asked with disbelief.

"I thought you will just put something-"

"I want the best seat to watch the show.", the reverse said to him.

Oh,yeah. Sure. , Taufan thought.

"......anyway, will i remember this conversation with you?-", Taufan asked him.

The Reverse didn't expect that question.

"Farewell" he said to Taufan, and suddenly a piercing pain eating Taufan's body mercilessly.

"Taufan,let's go..", he saw him. The figure he admires so much.

It's Hali, with his usual indifferent expression, but deep inside,Taufan feel his warmness. "Hali? Is this real?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Of course i'm re-", that figure slowly dissipated away in front of his eyes.

Taufan tried to grasp him, "no! No-"

"Taufan.., i'm sorry.", Hali re-appeared in front of him, but now he is injured.

"Please take care of our brothers.."
His body is severly damaged.

"H-hali?", Taufan asked, he is shivering.

"I'm sorry i can't be with you guys anymore...", Hali said as his breath getting weaker and weaker.

"Don't go! I can't protect them alone, i-i failed", Taufan said desperately as the pain growing stronger.

"Please..,stay." , he cried.

But Hali slowly fading away in front of him with his sad smile. The last smile he have before he died.

Taufan knew that this is only an illusion, but his body acted otherwise.

He tried to chase it, to chase him.

"Don't leave me", he sobbed.

But then he saw a cold back of his younger brother, "i'm sorry Taufan.." , Ice said as he left.

"Why didn't you listen to me?", Taufan asked him, his tears fell down.

"Why did you leave too?", he asked to Ice.

But Ice suddenly break into several pieces, his gaze looks so sad. "..I'm sorry."

Taufan is tired of chasing over nothing.

He can only let his tears fell down, this nightmare, when will it stop?

Then Gempa appeared in front of him, his eyes looks tired, but he still put his gentle smile as he gently touch Taufan's face.

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