your power,my power,our power,powerless

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"Hali? What are you doing here?", Ochobot asked him when he noticed his presence .

"Eh, you drag Taufan here?", he asked another question.

Taufan laughed helplessly, "hey, Ochobot."

Ochobot answered his greetings, "so? What brings you here?"

Hali, "please check on his condition, Ochobot."

Ochobot looks confused, "why? Is there something wrong with his body?"

"His power didn't came out.", Hali said with a serious and worried expression.

"Why?", suddenly a voice coming from Ochobot's back. It's Ice.

"Ice?", Taufan is surprised, his last conversation with Ice ended awkwardly, so it's kinda uncomfortable to face him now.

"I've been here since you guys appeared.", Ice explained calmy.

"Ah, we didn't realize it..", Hali said.

"It's not important, so, what happened?", he asked, his eyes is focused on Taufan's.

Taufan averted his gaze, "it's All fine now, i don't think we should check it?", he persuaded.

"If everything is fine, i think there should be no problem for your body to get checked , am i wrong?", Ice said to him indifferently.

Yeah, it's so difficult to deceive you, geez.

"Uhm,anyway, can i have a moment with Ochobot?", Taufan asked his brothers nervously.

"Why?", Hali asked him with a looks of disapproval.

"It's just,you know..i'm embarassed if you guys watch me.", Taufan answered them with his awkward chuckles.

"But you won't take off your clothes during the process, why do you feel embarassed?", Ice asked him.

You usually ignore everything but why did you pry so much today, dear brother?

"You know i'm an innocent boy, and meek, and easily embarassed right?", Taufan answered him with his maximum amount of cuteness , cringiness and cheesiness that he can squeeze out from him as he throw away his pride and dignity.

So shameless, i want to bury myself and hide forever from this filthy world.
He thoughts to him self.

For some reason, Hali easily do what Taufan asked,it's nearly unnoticeable but his ears are tinted with a shade of pink, "well then, i'll wait outside. Ochobot, you should report the result to me."

Ice is standing still. "Ice? Let's get out first.", Hali said to his brother.

"No, i think i'm staying, i'll close my eyes so that he won't get embarassed.", Ice answered.

Why are you so stubborn?!, Taufan screamed internally.

Hali drags him out, "no, you are going with me.", he said briefly.

Hali you are my savior, Taufan cries inwardly, his expression looks like he is touched by the kindness of the world. His eyes let out a sparkling tears.

Ochobot look at him, "from my experience of watching over you guys, i know you are not that easily-embarassed type of person."

Taufan laughed nerveously, "hehe..,"

"Can you not check my condition? And just tell them that everything is fine?", Taufan asked him with eyes filled with hope.

"Now that i hear your request.., i'll definitely have to check your condition", Ochobot said, his voice is filled with determination.

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