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Taufan leave his room after taking a quick shower, he hug Ice's whale plushie as he walked casually.

"Good morning~", he greeted his brothers in the living room, they're all immersed in their books.

"Ah,Taufan! Good morning.", Gempa greeted him.

"How are your condition?", Gempa asked him as he put on the bookmark on his book.

"I'm completely recovered!", Taufan exclaimed and he hop around.

"Ice~ here!", Taufan returned his favorite plushie to him.

"I have a good sleep because of him.", Taufan smiled, he give his brother a big grin.

Ice stare at him for a bit, his expression is indifferent. After a while he take his whale plushie, he smiled, "i told you don't i? He is fluffly."

Taufan smiled, "yes!" , he show him his big grin.

At least Ice know that Taufan is really in a good mood right now.

Hali approach them, he pat Taufan's head from behind, making Taufan startled, "wh- oh, it's you Hali, good morning!", Taufan greeted him.

"You are in a good mood?", Hali asked Taufan.

Taufan nodded, "you know me so well~ yes, it's all thanks to Mr.Whale", Taufan answered cheerfully.

"Mr.Whale?, you mean Ice's plushie?", Hali asked as he stole a glance at the plushie that is now in Ice's embrace again.

Taufan nodded, "anyway, i'm hungry, did you guys finished eating breakfast?"

Gempa smiled, "nope, we are waiting for you."

"Oh- sorry for keeping yo-", his words got cutted.

Suddenly, Hali take Taufan's hat and ruffle his hair. "Thank you for waiting. Isn't it's better than saying sorry?"

Taufan is surprised for a little bit, he then let out his grin again, "thank you!"


"Oh! So to control fire better i have to control my breath first!", Blaze exclaimed excitedly.

Taufan chuckled when he heard that, "do you enjoy reading that book?", he asked as he patted Blaze's head.

"Yes! It's easy to understand, now i'm gonna be the smartest in this land." , Blaze said as he puffed his chest.

Ice haven't commented on his brother's sentence yet because a strong blinding light suddenly appeared from Gempa's watch.

Taufan gulped, here you are, Solar.

"Huh, what is this?!" , Gempa is surprised by the sudden light coming from his watch.

Taufan walked away, "i'm gonna call Ochobot first.", Taufan said as he go to the door.

Just right after he leave the room, he bumped with Ochobot who looks like he is in a rush.

"He appeared.", Taufan said to him with a smile.

Ochobot is silent, he stare at Taufan.

"Don't look at me with that face, come on,we gotta greet him.", Taufan said to him as he dragged Ochobot's hand.

"What about you?", Ochobot asked Taufan, his voice sounds serious.

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