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"Good morning..", Taufan greeted right after he wake up.

No one answered, because there's nobody in this room. Taufan take a glance on his watch, it's eight A.M.

Taufan sighed, "even thought i told Gempa to wake me up if he is already awake, geez.."

"I know that he is worried about me but still..., i hope he won't worry too much, right?", Taufan said as he chuckled.

No one answered.

Of course, it will be strange if there's someone who answer him when he is alone in this room.

But still...

It's been four days since he 'woke up' from his deep sleep.

Yes, four days already passed since he returned, but he still can't understand why every single morning, the very first thing he would do is giving a morning greeting to an air.

Why does it feels so natural for him to do it? Like it's a habit, like he always did that.

Taufan's head feels dizzy, "ugh.." he groaned.

It's always like this, whenever he tried to remember, his head will feel painful.

"Mr.Shark..", Taufan pat the head of his shark plushie.

"My brothers said that you are my favorite plushie, you are the gift from Ice and Hali..", Taufan mumbled as he hugged Mr.Shark.

"I still can't remember you, but indeed, whenever i hugged you, i feel so safe and comfortable..", he said as he gently smiled.

"It feels like you soothe my pain you know? My head didn't feel dizzy anymore.. you are cool! Just like my brothers and rev--", Taufan stopped his sentence.

"..rev...who is that..?", Taufan muttered, he feel so confused.

Rev? Rev what? Why did i said that name? Who is that?

"Taufan..", the door opened, revealing a person in white outfit.

"Solar, good morning.", Taufan greeted him as he put the shark plushie on his bed.

"How do you feel today?", Solar asked as he walked towards Taufan, he grabbed Taufan's hand and put his finger around Taufan's wrist to feel his pulse.

"Don't worry, i'm fine! I can even walk now.", Taufan said as he brightly smiled.

Solar frowned, to be honest, he can't really believe Taufan's "i'm fine" because he already saw Taufan's memories back then. And he know that Taufan really loves to hide all of his pain alone.

"Let's go, the breakfast is ready, we should eat and after that i will ask Ochobot to thoroughly check your condition, got it?", Solar said to Taufan.

Taufan nodded, "okay. But let me tidy up my bed first.", Taufan said to him as he lift his navy blue blanket.

Solar took the blanket from Taufan's hands, "you shouldn't move too much, i will do it.", he said with an indifferent face.

Taufan stare at his youngest brother's figure, Solar looks so serious when he fold the blanket.

Taufan smiled, "you've grown up so much!", he said as he patted Solar's head.

"Hm? What?", Solar asked Taufan as he stare at him.

Taufan gave him a cheerful grin, "hmm, how to say it.. it feels like you are getting more mature now~ and also you looks so cool and handsome when you fold that blanket just now.", Taufan said as he let out a little giggle.

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