bad old habit

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"Son, listen..i'm so sorry, can you please try to remember me?", Amato pleaded as he hugged Taufan's knee, making Taufan flinched because of the surprise.

"Uh..mister please don't be like this, please stand up..", Taufan said politely as he kneeled and hold Amato's hand, cueing him to stand up.

"Noo! Son don't call me mister, call me father please? Just like your other brothers--", Amato said as he received a sneer from Mechabot.

Ice smirked, "eh, mister, it's been a while.. how is your sons doing out there?", he asked Amato as he helped him stand up.

Amato whined, "not you too Ice- listen, father is so sorry.. oh yes! Your 17th birthday.. it's this month right? What present do you want? Father will buy it for you.. and you Taufan, just say anything, and i will give it to you..", Amato said desperately as his eyes looks like it's shining with hope.

Hali sneered when he see this, he found this situation funny after all.

Taufan looks so awkward, "uhh, i want to meet Tok Aba? I missed him so much", Taufan said.

That words could only make Amato whined louder, "but Son, how can you remember Tok Aba but not me-- anyway we will go to the earth this week okay? And? Tell me the things you want other than that, i will buy it, maybe the super mega ultra max spaceship? I usually let you be independent but now is an exception so--", Amato's words got cutted by Gempa's firm rejection.

"No thanks,Father. Tok Aba teached us to never be greedy..", Gempa said as he smiled to his father.

He feel bad to treat him coldly but his father should understand that his 'berdikari' teaching has it's limit.

"Greedy?", Taufan said, he feels like he remember something, but it feels so vague.

He stare at Ice's light blue eyes, "greedy..", Taufan said. Just like before, whenever he tried to remember, his head will feel so dizzy.

Ice stare at Taufan, "are you okay,Taufan?", he asked Taufan.

Taufan nodded, "i'm fine..", he said to them as he gave them a bright grin.

"Birthday gift.. if i ask for my memories..can you give it to me, mister- no, Father?" , Taufan asked, his eyes looks like he is in pain for a reason, but he looks so determined.

Amato is dumbfounded by his son's request, he don't know how to answer this request.

Taufan could feel a burning sensation from his throat, it hurts, but somehow he can feel that it's a familiar sensation, like he is so used to this kind of sensation.

Taufan's hands spontanously cover his mouth as he suddenly coughed, a red liquid came out from his mouth.

"Ugh..", Taufan said as he stare blankly at his palm that now stained with a red color.

"Taufan! Taufan are you okay?!", Hali and Gempa rushed to him.

Ice's eyes is wider as he feels so surprised, "Taufan!"

Solar rushed toward Taufan too, "how do you feel?, can you hear me?", he asked panickedly.

Taufan let ot a weak chuckle, "don't worry, i can hear you.."

"That blood.. why?", Blaze asked, his face is filled with worries.

Thorn is also preparing for herbs immediately.

Taufan smiled, "no, it's a syrup..", he said with a forced bright tone.

But his head feels so dizzy,

It's a syrup..

Why does it sounds so ridiculous?

No one realized that Amato looks worried too.

They are too afraid that something will happened again to one of their brother.

Taufan could feel that his gaze becomes blurry, why am i so weak?

My brothers is so worried about me..

So why am i always so weak like this?

Before he lose his balance, a hand is suddenly lifting him up.

Carrying him as he sighed, " shouldn't lie, son.", Amato said to him firmly but his voice is filled with worries too.

He feels like a proper dad when he is like this.

"You guys and Ochobot should follow me, we will examine his condition.", Amato said.

"KoKoCi, i'm taking my sons.", he said to the commander.

Commander KoKoCi nodded, he was surprised when he saw Taufan coughing blood too, he thought everything is already okay, but then, why Taufan can't regain his memory? Why did he coughed blood?

"Mister..", Taufan called the petson who is carrying him right now.

"Father.", Amato said to him.

"...father, i'm fine, i will walk so-"

"No, You are not fine at all, and as a good father i have to take a good care of my son, right?", he asked as he gave Taufan and all the elemental brothers his assuring smile.

Just when Taufan is about to open his mouth again, Solar already scolded him, "no more excuse, that's literally a blood, a freakin blood, coming from your mouth, it's not a syrup, and you are not fine, you can't and you SHOULDN'T walk by yourself, take a rest until we arrived to the infirmary."

"How many time should i tell you that whenever you feel any pain, even if it's only a little bit, you have to say it to us, don't hide it! What if-", Solar's voice is filled with fear.

What if something happened to you again?

You never told us about your pain, just like back then..

I don't want to realize it when it's already too late like back then..

Gempa patted Solar's head, "Father is here, he will help us.. and Ochobot is also here, so don't worry too much.", he said as he tried to calm his youngest brother.

Don't worry too much. He repeated that words to himself so much, and now he is saying it to his brother.

"Don't worry too much, it's only..a fatigue?", Taufan said as he smiled.

But that words just making it worse for the elemental brothers.

"It's a fatigue" , they can't really believe with that words that coming from Taufan's mouth.

Back then he always said that too.

And it's all a lie.

"Taufan..", Thorn tugged Taufan's jacket.

"Your bad Habits hasn't changed.", Thorn said as he helplessly smiled.

That sad smile, Taufan didn't want his brothers or anyone he endear to wear that kind of smile.

//Author's note//

I feel bad to roast amato too much yesterday so here is father son moment.

Anyway, hsss...this book is longer than what i thought..

But dont worry it will ended soon, please stay with me 😭

I hope u guys enjoyed today's chapter too.

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