you hide it from me

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Taufan lock his room after celebrating their birthday from morning until night, they had a lot of fun today, he is grateful that his brothers could enjoy the little birthday party.

He sit on his bed, taking off his hoodie and hanging it near the bed.

"So, when is your birthday, Reverse?", Taufan asked casually with a soft voice.

"Why did you ask something unecessary like that?", The Reverse asked Taufan.

"I don't know, is my birthday is when i first appeared because of your sadness? Or when we made a contract?", he asked Taufan, he feels somewhat sad and guilty when asking this.

"That was such an unpleasant memory for you, right?", the Reverse asked Taufan with a fragile voice.

Taufan is a little bit surprised, he smiled gently after that.

You've changed so much. He thought.

Back then you are so cold, now look at you. He chuckled.

"Well, i don't think it's unpleasant.", Taufan answered, he stare at the ceiling above him.

"Thanks to you i can have this second chance.", Taufan answered.

"I'm allowed to celebrate our birthday again.."

"And after knowing you for a while, i know that you are a warm person.", Taufan smiled.

"You really love to speak nonsense huh", The Reverse answered, but his voice sounds embarassed, he will never get used with compliments.

"Ah, i know it.", Taufan said.

"How about we make today as your birthday too?", Taufan asked him cheerfully.

"What? Really, i don't need that kind of nonsense.", The Reverse answered indifferently.

But Taufan ignores it, "it might be late, but Happy birthday, Reverse!", he said as he grinned cheerfully.

"You really never listened to me, huh.", The Reverse answered him with a sigh.

"I'm sorry that we can't celebrate it.", Taufan said with a dejected voice.

"Nah, it's okay. I don't like that kind of fuss anyway.", The Reverse answered casually.

"But still-", Taufan words got cutted by Reverse.

"I haven't said it, but Happy birthday to you, and your brothers too.", The Reverse said to him with a rare gentleness in his voice.

Taufan once again got surprised by the sudden words coming from the reverse's mouth, "..thank you.", he answered.

"You said you wanted to talk about something didn't you? So what is it? You should rest, so be quick. ", the Reverse asked Taufan.

The mood is getting serious all of sudden, Taufan's expression looks stiff. The Reverse know that he will talk about something important.

"Did you hide something from me, Reverse?", Taufan asked him, his expression looks like he feared something.

The Reverse is silent, his voice still sounds indifferent, "like what?"

Taufan is afraid to say it, "does this contract harmed you in some way?"

The Reverse is a little bit surprised by that question, he realized.

He can't answer it,

Oh, so this is how you feel all the time.

Sometimes you can't help but hiding the truth so the person you care about won't get hurt.

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