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They arrived at the main station, the commander waited for them on the entrance. He looks somewhat sad.

"Good job on your mission.", he said to them.

Hali didn't know what to say, should he say 'thank you, we lost our brother there.'?

He is silent, he gritted his teeth. Beside him, Solar and Ice looks the same too. They are as frustrated as him.

Blaze and Thorn is still crying.

Gempa gave the commander his salute, "i'm sorry for the improper behavior commander, we are back.", he said weakly.

"It's understandable, you guys could go back and rest first. Captain Kaizo will report the summary to me. But tomorrow you guys should report to me too, okay?", he said, he is mantaining his proffesionalism, they all know it.


Can you at least show that you care?

"Where is our father?", Blaze asked him, his voice sounds cracking as he tried to stop his sob.

"He is not here.", the Commander said to him.

"He is busy, right?", Solar said.

"He is always busy, what is the death of his son anyway? Works is more important, right?", Solar sneered, but tears still can be found from the edge of his eyes.

Gempa's eyes got wider, he furrowed his eyebrows, "why are you saying that thing?, of course it's not like that...", he said, his tone is getting slightly higher.

"So? Like what?", he stare at Gempa.

"Did he know that his son died? Or maybe he didn't even know?", he asked furiously.

"Lance corporal! Behave.", Commander Kokoci said to him.

Solar gritted his teeth, he gave the commander his tapops salute and quickly walk away from there.

"Gempa, i don't know which one is more important to you. Your ideal of our 'father figure' that we haven't met for more than years or the brother we've lost.", he said to Gempa before the door got closed completely.

He strode fastly to the main room, the place where the elemental brothers usually gathered together.

That white sofa, usually Hali, Taufan, and Ice will sit there.

Right, that time, where Taufan confronted him about his manner, it's in this place too.

He stood there, staring down to the sofa in front of him.

A lot of questions is swirling inside his head.

Why did he die? If he realize it sooner, maybe he can prevent Taufan's death? Why didn't he realize it sooner? Why did Taufan manipulated the truth? Why did the others looks like they are not affected by this?

He fell, he gripped the sofa real hard. He gritted his teeth, preventing any sound to come out from his mouth.

I don't want this.

Losing a brother, if what they said is true, Taufan already lose all of his brothers back then.

How does it feels?

He always acted like there's nothing wrong.

How could he do that?

"Tell me..", he said, he clenched his fist.

"TELL ME!", he shouted desperately, tears is falling down from his eyes.

"You should answer my questions, you should have-", his words got cutted by himself.

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