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"You were sleeping for a couple days, you remember it right, when your pain got overwhelming..", Gempa said as he helped Taufan to sit.

"...oh, that anasthesia injection..", Taufan said as he nodded.

"But the effect should only last for a few hours, so why did i sleep for a couple days?" , Taufan asked, he sounds clueless, but he can see that his brothers expression looks somewhat worried and sad.

Taufan let out his chuckle, "don't worry, it doesn't feel hurt anymore.", he said to his brothers.

"Really? You are not lying?", Blaze asked.

Taufan smiled, "i didn't lie. I feel so much better than back then.", he said to his brothers with a reassuring smile.

"So..where are we?" , Taufan asked the question that haven't got answered.

"Earth. Specifically, it's a hill in earth planet." , Solar explained to Taufan.

"Then, we are visiting tok Aba??", Taufan asked excitedly, he misses Tok Aba so much.

"Not yet, Taufan, your energy have just slowly recovered because of the abundant wind element here,maybe after you feel completely better, we can visit tok Aba if your father approves.", Gempa explain.

Taufan stare at them, "°ah yes, that he really our father?", Taufan asked them.

They all stare at him, dumbfounded.

And they they all let out a supressed laughter, except for Gempa.

"..yes, i mean..he is our biological father.", Gempa answered him.

Taufan smiled, "oh.., how come i can't remember someone so important like him?", Taufan answered as he tried to step his feet to the ground.

Thorn and Hali quickly helped him, "you shouldn't move too much, you've just wake up."

Taufan can feel the brush of the grass that got stepped by his feet.

"This place is really..refreshing.", Taufan said as his face lit up.

"I miss this, i miss this kind of breeze.", Taufan said to his brothers, his face looks really happy.

It's been a while since they see him this excited about something.

It feels like he is just a normal healthy teenager.

"But don't run.", Hali said to him with a slightly worried tone.

Taufan nodded, "ah-", his knees lose it's power for a few seconds, making him fell to the ground.

" knees still feels so stiff and weak..", Taufan laughed. It's a good thing that Hali and Thorn is helping him so he didn't fell.

"I told you to be careful don't i? You just wake up, don't be reckless", Hali scolded Taufan with a voice that sounds grumpy.

Thorn smiled innocently, "no you didn't told him that, you only told him that he shouldn't run.", he answered Hali as he crouched down to be on Taufan's eye level.

"Does it feels hurt?", Thorn asked Taufan.

Taufan shook his head, "not at all.", he answered.

He is in such an unreasonably good mood after he woke up, it feels like his body is lighter, and it's easier to move around.

And also the weather feels nice, he can feel the wind that surrounding them and the nice fresh air.

Taufan is now lying down on the ground that covered by a green soft grass, "i missed this feelings."

Thorn followed him to lie down, "me too.", he answered Taufan as he laughed.

Blaze suddenly rush towards them, "finally you woke up, let's start our carreer as a trio troublemakers again after you fully recovered.", he said as he jumped and lying down beside Thorn.

"Be careful!", Gempa scolded Blaze.

"I will tell father about your condition first, and then i'll help him cook, you guys should take care of Taufan, got it?", Gempa told the other elemental brothers.

His voice sounds much more relieved and happy than before Taufan wake up.

Hali sit beside Taufan, "tell me if there's something uncomfortable.",Hali said to Taufan.

Taufan nodded as he still stare at the blue sky.

"Tell me, Did i made you guys worried?", Taufan asked them with an apologetic smile.

He didn't realize that now Solar is sitting near him and Ice is already lying down beside them too.

"Of course we are so worried, you stupid brother, why didn't you tell us anything about your pain? We were so worried!", Solar scolded Taufan with such a grumpy tone.

Ice lazily plucked the little flower next to him, "don't scold him like that, he just woke up.", Ice said to Solar.

Solar flinched, his expression looks guilty, ".....i'm sorry, i'm just..worried."

"But now, you feel really okay right? No pain? Or dizziness?", Solar asked Taufan.

Taufan is silent, he stare at the clear blue sky, "..when i was asleep, there's this thought that always keeps coming to me."

"I feel like it's some important clue..", Taufan said to them.

"If i didn't remember the things that i forget, will it be okay? Will you guys get disappointed?", Taufan asked his brothers.

"How do you feel about it?", Ice answered Taufan's question with another question.

Taufan is silent for a bit , " i don't know.."

"As long as it doesn't endanger you, and as long as you are happy... we are okay with anything.", Hali said to Taufan as he ruffled Taufan's hair.

Taufan smiled, "..why do i feel weird to talk honestly to you guys?", Taufan asked them.

It feels like Taufan is more comfortable when he kept things about himself alone, without telling his brothers.

But something is telling him that it will only make his brothers sad.

But there's also a voice that twlling him that his brothers will get annoyed by him.

"Like now, i feel the urge to stop.. is this okay? Or is this weird? Will you guys be bothered if i say it?", Taufan muttered.

"Ah.. no, forget what i said, i'm just saying such a nonsense.", Taufan immediately continues as he feels that talking about himself like this is not the right thing to do.

"No..", Thorn and Blaze answered at the same time.

"...i..uhmm..", Blaze didn't know how to say it correctly.

Ice chuckled, "Taufan, even if you lost your memories, that habit still haven't changed.."

//Author's note//

Im trying to end this as soon as possible but its longer than i thought im sorry, i think theres still a few chapters before this story ended i hope u guys enjoyed it tho 😭 and also.. i got a low iron and always feels dizzy so im sorry for not updating this past few days..

See u on the next chap!!

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