get out

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Taufan walked with a lot of difficulties, the burning sensation inside his body is getting stronger.

He sneered at his own weak body, "this is why you can't protect your brothers back then,Taufan."

"Look at you, so weak. You can't even walk-",Taufan's words got cutted by the Reverse's words.

"Stop saying that. Who wouldn't be weak after infusing his power like that! Not to mention you.." , The Reverse stopped.

He saw Taufan's expression, and it's enough to make his heart hurts for some reason.

Taufan's helpless smile, but also filled with gratitude.

"Thank you..", Taufan said to him weakly.

They successfully leave the cave, Taufan's vision is blurry, his heart feels like it's teared apart.

"Taufan!", a voice calling him.

Taufan's eyes got wider, he tried to use his blurry vision to see who it was. But he already know from the voice.

"Why are you here? I told you to wait in the spaceship.", Taufan said to him.

"I've finished eating the carrot donuts, and you are still not back, i thought something might happened", Fang explained.

He observed Taufan's state, Taufan looks pale, and his hand is bleeding, "what happened?", Fang asked Taufan.

Taufan sighed, he can't explain it. His body feels too hurt to allow him thinking about the reason, "..let's go back, i'm done anyway." , he answered to Fang.

"I can't understand, this is just too absurd!" ,Fang complained, but he still helped Taufan to walk to the spaceship.

"Your power..", Taufan said to him.

"Are you okay? This place is so dark.", Taufan continues.

"Do you think only you guys who improved? I improved too. Now at least i can control my power a little bit better.", Fang grumpily answered him.

Taufan laughed, "good then."

Fang found it strange. Taufan's state, why he went alone, everything.

But he keep silent, "you will have to wait here now.", he said to Taufan who alrady arrived in the space ship.

At the moment Fang leave the room and the door automatically closed, Taufan coughed the blood that he tried to hold back.

The Reverse is silent. He can't even be the waryward he used to be.

Taufan chuckled, he tried to take his handkerchief from his pocket, but there's nothing.

"Uh-oh", he said as he realized something.

"I will get scolded.", Taufan laughed.

He search for a tissue and begin to wipe the blood.

The Reverse want to ask about Taufan's condition, but he already know the answer.

"At least, try to take some rest.", the Reverse said to him, his voice sounds sad for some reason.

Taufan smiled and do what he said, "i already made you worried this much, i'm sorry.", Taufan said to him as he lean his body.

The pain inside him is still rampaging. He tried to take a breath to easen the pain, but it's not successful.

Taufan could only chuckles, "it will get better soon."

What a liar. , The Reverse thought.

He tried to ease the pain inside Taufan's body, but he already overuse his power for those crystals, so he can't do much.

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