too Attached

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Are you leaving?", a voice asked him.

Taufan already know whose voice it is, he smiled.

"Revan..", Taufan said to him.

Revan hummed, he try not to show any emotions.

"Thank you for everything..", Taufan said to him, his voice sounds sad for a reason.

"Our contract, it's already fulfilled now..right?", Taufan asked him.

"I guess..", the Reverse answered, now Taufan could hear a trace of sadness from his voice.

"What will you do from now on?", Taufan asked him, his voice sounds more cheerful now.

"...i don't know.", he answered, he really didn't know.

If he followed his past mindset, of course he will gladly destroy Taufan's soul completely and freed himself from this contract and he will search for a way to survive. At least with his remaining power he could still stay alive.


"Revan, you still have your power left right?", Taufan asked him, he can see Taufan's smile.

It's funny how in the end you still try to hide everything with that smile.

"Taufan..", he said to Taufan.

Taufan's eyes got wider, "this is the first time you called my name after i died.", he chuckled.

"Revan, i don't have many time left.", Taufan said.

When he said that, the Reverse's eyes got wider.

He could see that Taufan's figure is getting more transparant.

"..i want you to live happily.", Taufan said to him.

Revan smiled, you shouldn't say that.

"Am i too selfish?", Taufan asked him.

"You are..", The Reverse said.

Maybe it's because Taufan only has his little bit of soul left, but now he can see the figure who shares the same body with him.

That white colored hair, that red colored pupils.

And what surprises him is his expression.

He never thought that the reverse has that kind of expression.

The first time he saw him was back then, in the similiar situation, at the same planet.

That white haired boy, has a cold voice and expression back then.

He was ruthless, cold, and cruel.

So now, why..

"Why do you look so sad?", Taufan asked him, he tried to touch Revan's face.

"I don't know too.", the Reverse answered, but his face still looks sad.

Taufan chuckled, "you still have a lot to learn, Revan."

"You should be the one who teach me about those things.", the Reverse answered to Taufan.

Taufan smiled, his figure is getting more and more transparent.

"I wish i could.", Taufan said to him, his expression looks sad and helpless.

"But i don't think i can. The contract is already fulfilled. I can't stay any longer.", he said to the Reverse.

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