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"How do you feel?", Hali asked Taufan. He assumed that Taufan's dizziness was due to his lost memories, now that Taufan already gained the memories back, maybe he would feel better.

Taufan smiled, his cheerful grin is painted on his face, "i'm fine, of course!"

"..is that so?", Hali asked, his hand is patting Taufan's head. Maybe because he is Taufan's only older brother, he can feel that Taufan's cheerfulness is not the same with the naive cheerfulness he had when he haven't got his memories back.

"I'm glad that you gained your memories back..,but..don't force yourself. Talk to me or Gempa or your other brothers if there's something that bothering you..", Hali said to Taufan, his voice still sounds grumpy, but for Taufan, he sounds like a big brother that cares so much about his younger brother.

"Really..you've grown up so much!", Taufan praised him as he smiled.

"Well, we all does..", Hali said, he now take a seat next to Taufan. Leaning his back on the wall.

"Taufan,back then..when you died..i..once hated you.", Hali said to Taufan.

Taufan's eyes got wider, "hates me?"

"Is that so?", Taufan shrugged, he rub his nape uncomfortably, he let out a sad smile.

"Well, it can't be helped..i mean,i've been planning everything behind you guys..", Taufan said to his big brother.

"No,i mean, we got mad at you because we didnt know the truth, all we know was that you've planned everything and then leaving us,just like that."

"But then..we got to see everything.", Hali continues.

"Huh?", Taufan can't understand what does Hali means with 'everything'.

A voice coming from beside them, "Taufan, it's time to drink the medicine.", Solar said as he bring Taufan a cup of warm water to help him swallow the medicine.

"Ah, thanks.", Taufan quickly took the medicine and drink it.

"You don't have to bring it to me everytime like this you know, i can just take the meds with me. And also.. i think my condition is much better, and my memories is already back..", Taufan continues.

"I'm the second oldest, but i've got babysitted by all of you.. i feel..uh.." Taufan is busy trying to find the fitting words, but then Solar hitted Taufan's head lightly.

"Ouch-", Taufan flinched as he received the sudden hit.

"Did i do something wrong?", Taufan asked.

Hali's red pupils is already staring sharply at Solar, "what do you mean by this, shiny lamp?", he asked Solar annoyedly.

"Payback.", Solar said.

"Back then he hitted my head too.", Solar continues.

"Of course i deserves it...but still, i can't accept it. Why did you leave without explaining anything? It's a good thing that we managed to find the answer, but what if we couldn't? back then.. we might never have you with us again!", Solar said to Taufan, a frustration that has been buried since a long time ago finally came out from his mouth.

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