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Hali rushed to him, his face looks so worried and scared, his hand is trembling. "Taufan?! You.. this injuries-"

His words got cutted by Taufan's chuckles.

"We defeated him....good job guys..", Taufan said weakly, whenever he talk, the pressure is making his injuries letting out more blood.

Thorn cried, he tried to use his leaf to stop the bleeding,he can't stop his tears.

"Don't say anything..please, save your energy.", Hali said to him, he looks so scared.

Gempa's tears is falling down too, "Taufan, please, hang in there..."

"The reinforcement will come, so please-" Gempa said as he held Taufan's hands.

It's cold, Taufan's hands is so cold.

Taufan stare at them sadly, he can feel that the pain inside his body is coming again.

The blood is still flowing from his injuries. I already know that this kind of risk might happened.


"Why are you guys looks so sad? Cheer up!", Taufan said as he forced his cheerful laughter.

"We..successed, we defeated the enemy..", Taufan smiled to them.

That nightmare won't happened again.

"Are you stupid?! How can we cheer up when you are like this! We..i.." , Solar scolded him with frustration filled his voice. But his words got cutted by Taufan's action.

Taufan use his remaining energy to raise his hand, he hitted Solar's head weakly. "Finally.." Taufan chuckled.

"I really wanted to try hitting your head...at least once." , Taufan said weakly.

Taufan's eyes got wider, this is the first time he saw Solar crying, "i heard it...you planned everything to save us right?"

Ice who is still silent because he is too shocked by what happened now opened his mouth, "what..?"

Taufan smiled, his pain is getting stronger, he can't keep his conciousness.

His ears is ringing, and his heart feel like it's burning. "I ...really want to talk with you guys more..", he said as he sadly smiled. His voice is getting weaker.

"But i'm afraid that i can't" , he said, he coughed up blood again.

His figure must looks so messy by his own blood right now.

Blaze cried as he tug Taufan's jacket,
"Taufan no! Hang in there, please.."

"Please...", his voice sounds so hurt.

Taufan smiled, i don't want you guys to be sad.

"Ah,Blaze..from now on you should learn to be more patient..okay?", Taufan smiled at him.

"Thorn..you should help Gempa..",Taufan chuckled, he stare at his crying brother who still tried to use the leaves to stop Taufan's bleeding.

"And Solar..,don't be reckless..", Taufan smiled.

Am i saying goodbye right now?

Taufan remembered the first timeline where he is the one who cried over his dying brothers.

Boboiboy - So that we can be Together Again Where stories live. Discover now