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"Why should i go with you, Taufan?", that person asked with an annoyed voice.

"It's weekend, i should've enjoying myself reading books or any other cool hobbies, but why am i going with you?"

He continuosly complained as he eat his carrot donut and take a sip of the bitter coffee.

"Why are you drinking coffee? You are just like an old man.", Taufan ignored his question, he rest his chin on his hand.

"Actually i don't want to bother you, but commander said i can't go if i didn't bring you or captain.", Taufan sighed, it'd be better to go alone.

It's better to not letting anyone know about this.

And i can't help but bringing you, because Captain is too scary he might found out and he is not easy to bribe.

"You don't have to set your feet on the planet, just wait here and eat your carrot donuts, i made it to bribe you anyway.", Taufan said to him as he close his eyes.

"But you look..pale, why are you going alone? Why didn't you bring your brothers?", Fang asked him as he munched his carrot donut.

Geez,please i don't want to think about the answer.

"It's more convenient this way.", Taufan answered him.

"Anyway shut up please, i want to sleep.", Taufan said to him with an annoyed voice.

"Who are you telling to shut up?! Why are you acting like your cocky brothers?", Fang complained to him.

But Taufan only wave his hand as the answer and close his eyes.

"Alright,stop nagging me, Reverse. Are you my mom?", Taufan sighed as he talked to the person inside him who constantly nagging him nonstop and complained because he didn't do as what they promised.

"Sleep.", The Reverse said to him.

Taufan sighed, "okay."

"Anyway Fang, create me some comfy bed, i need sleep.", Taufan said.

"Why should i?", Fang answered.

"Well, popular guys always help the others am i wrong?", Taufan answered him.

"Okay.", Fang creates a bed from a shadow.

"It's so dark, just like your soul Fang.", Taufan said to him as he pat the bed.

"And it's not as comfortable as Ice's water bubble.", Taufan continues to complain, but he begin to put his body on that shadow bed.

"So ungrateful, you should just create a bed from your wind.", Fang answered grumpily as he once again eat the carrot donut.

Taufan didn't answer to his commentary, his head feel heavy.

He close his eyes as he try to find a comfortable position.

"Reverse, i'm sor-", his words got cutted by Reverse's power.

"Sleep.", he said as he successfully make him fall asleep.

"Geez..", Taufan could only complain before he fell into a deep sleep.


"You still can't find him?", Gempa asked, now his voice is getting more worried.

"What is this commotion? i'm trying to sleep..", Solar complained as he get out of his room.

"Hali, he isn't with you?", Gempa asked Hali who has the same worried face with him.

"No..", Hali answered as he furrowed his eyebrows.

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