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"I heard that you are sick, how do you feel now?", a cold indifferent voice asked him. But Taufan can feel his tenderness.

"Better, Gempa is being too worried.", Taufan answered him with his big grin.

That cold person stares at him with an unreadable gaze, causing Taufan to get nerveous because of that stare.

"Heard that you also got a nightmare..", Ice continued as he sit on Taufan's bed.

"A horrible nightmare", he added.


"It's only a nightmare.", Taufan said, trying to not remembering that nightmare.

That nightmare where the person in front of him dies, that nightmare where he is being left with despair.

"Is that so?", Ice asked as he touch Taufan's forehead. His eyes once again stare into Taufan's eyes.

Taufan averted his gaze, "yeah..", he smiled.

"..good then, because i heard you cried badly after that nightmare.", Ice continues to pry at him.

Taufan is befuddled, "....did Gempa told you that?, oh no my dignity is ruined now.", Taufan answered jokingly to hides how he actually feels.

Ice sighed, "yeah,your image has been tainted. Now everyone knew that you are a crybaby.", he smiled helplessly.

His attempt to find out about the things that Taufan hides  failed. Taufan is really that stubborn if he already decided on something, force won't let him open up.

But one thing for sure, he hides something. He hope that it's not something big. But looking at Taufan's restless expression makes him doubt it.

"Where is Blaze?" , Taufan asked him to change the topic.

"Helping Gempa.", Ice answered.

"..oh..", Taufan nodded quietly.

He still can't face his brothers without feeling heartache. Whenever he saw them, he will remember their soul-less figure that slowly dissipating away in front of him.

"How about Thorn and Solar?", Taufan asked him.

Ice gave him a confused looks, "who?"

"Thorn and Solar..", Taufan repeats his words.

"Who are they?", Ice asked him with a confused face.

"..eh?", Taufan feels confused as well.

"Do we have friends with that name?", Ice asked him.


Taufan realized something, "what year it is?"

"Huh? It's 2xxx." ,Ice answered.

Now everything is clear. He returned to that time where two of his younger brothers haven't appeared yet.

"Why are you suddenly asking that?", Ice asked him,confused.

"Huh?nothing..", Taufan answered with his grin.

"I just got a little bit confused with something, but now it's already clear.", Taufan continues.

Ice slightly furrowed his eyebrows, he is not good with words so he didn't know what to say, "..can i be honest with you?" Ice asked him.

Taufan nodded, he smiles brightly.

Yeah this fake smile i've practiced since who know when. This 45° smile that can keep suspicion away.

"Why do i feel like you hides something?", Ice asked him. His voice sounds clear.

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