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"Taufan, we are going to help the neighbor first okay? They said they needed us to rescue their cat.", Gempa said to Taufan.

"I will go too!", Taufan said, but he got stopped quickly by Hali and Ice.

"No~ you will stay here.", Ice said to him.

Tok Aba patted Taufan's head, "Taufan, you shouldn't be too tired, you have to listen to atok and stay here okay?", Tok Aba said to Taufan.

Taufan can't say no when it's Tok Aba who told him to do so, he dejectedly nodded.

"You should wait here, we will return as soon as we finished.", Gempa said to Taufan.

"Then.. i'm gonna return to our house first, i want to sleep, i miss sleeping inside my cozy room", Ice said as he hugged the whale plushie and walked away.

"I'm gonna go inside the house too, i need to do some research, and rescuing a cat is not my kind of job.", Solar said.

"So cocky.", Hali bitterly answered.

"What did you say?!" , Solar responded with an annoyed voice.

"Shush, the Cat will be crying already if you continue to argue like this.", Blaze said to them as he pretended to look mature just like Gempa.

"Solar, this is the pill that Taufan should drink at 11 A.M, got it? , i'll leave it to you, make sure that he drink it okay~", Thorn said to Solar as he gave a bottle that filled with the bitter pills that Taufan hates so much.

"Understood." , Solar answered.

"Taufan, would you like to go with us to the house?", Ice asked him.

Taufan nodded, "Tok, i will go inside first, is it okay? Or maybe you need help around here?", Taufan asked Tok Aba.

Tok aba ruffled Taufan's Hair , "don't worry Taufan, your father and Ochobot will help around so you should go inside and take some rest."

Taufan nodded obediently as he gave Tok Aba his cheerful smile before he walked away.

"Aba, i want to go inside too, i miss my hous--", Amato's mouth got stuffed by chocolate cookie.

"Don't whine, help me will you?", Tok Aba scolded his son.

No matter how important is the position of his son in Tapops, in front of his father, he is just a helpless, energetic son.


Taufan went inside the house, it's amazing that Tok Aba can take care of this house alone.

The interior is clean and neat, it's such a nostalgic place for them.

"Taufan, if you need something, call me or just go to my room, got it?",Solar said to him.

Taufan smiled, "okay then, Ice you will sleep inside your room right? Then i will go to my room as well.", Taufan said as he opened the door of his room.

The nostalgic room that filled with navy blue stuff, a wall that filled with a lot of posters about the things he likes back then. The skateboard that he used to ride so much. There's so many things that looks the same with what he remembered.

Taufan touched the things on the desk, there's a lot of heavy books on it, "..i didn't remember that i'm such a huge fans of this kind of book", Taufan muttered as he opened the pages.

There's a lot of quicknote and scribble on the page, it's his own means,he really read those books seriously back then.

After joining Tapops, he moved quite a lot of his things, so there's not so many left here. He thought he can find some clue about his memories , "i guess the important stuffs is inside my room in Tapops main spaceship.", Taufan mumbled as he close the books.

He then throw his body on the bed, "good morning.", Taufan muttered.

"Good morning...", he said again, he is curious about his own habit to say good morning every single day after he wake up.

No, thinking about these stuffs can only make me feel dizzy..

Taufan decided to take a walk, he enjoyed the breeze as he find a place to sit down.

He watched the neighborhood kids thats playing soccer right now, he lean his body to the big tree behing him.

He close his eyes for a bit, he can feel a flash of a familiar energy, the energy that feels so important to him, yet he can't figure what was that.

His eyes strayed, glancing arount the area, his brothers havent finished their duties yet.

Suddenly a bunch of kids running towards him, they looks so excited.

"Brother, brother! Do you know Boboiboy? They said Boboiboy has returned, do you know him?", one of those child asked him.

Taufan is startled with those sudden questions.

Taufan answered them with a chuckle, "why do you ask me guys? Go ask the owner of that chocolate stall, they will give you informations if you buy the chocolate drink from them.", Taufan said as he smiled.

Those kids pouted and began to run toward kokotiam. Taufan let out a soft chuckle as he watched the kids' naivety.

But before he could close his eyes again, there's a voice asking him.

"Hello, are you a hero?" , a person suddenly asked Taufan, Taufan is startled because of that. He didn't feel anyone approached him ,but now, in front of him is a person wearing a long black cloak, covering all of his body.

Taufan wondered how can that person stand the heat with that kind of outfit.

"Uhh, my brothers is a hero..", Taufan answered.

"And you?", that person asked again, his voice sounds indifferent yet Taufan can sense a playfulness in it.

" can consider me as one too.., i guess.", Taufan said to him.

"Anyway, do you need any help? My brothers is on a mission right now, but maybe i can help you?", Taufan continues.

That person is silent for a bit. "I'm searching for a hero that could split into seven.."

Taufan's blue eyes got wider, he is searching for 'Boboiboy'?

"Oh..who are you searching for? Maybe Hali? Gempa? Or Solar? Hmm.. ", Taufan said as he said the name of the most needed elementals.

The person in a black cloak now chuckled, somehow, it sounds so familiar to Taufan. "He is a complicated Hero.."

"He likes to laugh, but he is a coward, he looks stupid, but actually kinda smart, he hates conflict, but he is such a conflicted person." , that person explained.

"He likes to hide his emotions, brush everything with his jokes, and he is a loser.", That person continues.

Taufan's eyes got wider, the sapphire colored pupils is reflecting the light of the bright sky.

"But at the same time, he is the greatest hero i've ever known.", that person said with a soft laugh.

He could see the smiling lips of that person.

Taufan immediately rushed to him, he pull down the hoodie that covering the hair of that person.

That person has a white hair, a smile painted on his face.

"You!!", Taufan said, he can't form a word.

"Such a rude hero." , that person sneered.

//author's note//

Our best boy is here 😌💕

Now now, please shower him with love


See u on next chap.

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