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"Taufan..,isn't it's sad.."

"for our fate to ended like this..", Gempa said with tears flowing down, he smiled hopelessly.

"Gempa..", he said, reaching out his hand.

But the gentle figure in front of him disappeared.

Taufan feels like his heart stopped beating for a second,

But another figure showed up.

"I'm sorry i can't be with you guys anymore. I really want to stay.., why can't i stay with you guys?", Hali asked as his figure slowly dissipating, his expression is so solemn.

"Hali, no! Don't leave!" ,Taufan tried to grab his hand.

But as always, he is always one step too late.

"No.., don't leave me..,please.", Taufan's voice cracked.

"Taufan, i'm tired of running away..,i can't stay silent as i watched my brothers dying.", a cold voice said, his ligh blue eyes looks fragile.

"I'm sorry, i will go meet them. I can't stay.", Ice said, as he walked away.

Taufan tried to chase him, but he can't. His brother's back looks so distant.

"Taufan!", Thorn said as he smiled brightly.

"Thorn?..,Blaze?..", Taufan is surprised to see his smiling brothers.

"You guys, are you okay?", Taufan quickly grab their hand as he tried to check their condition.

But slowly, his brothers is covered with injuries, "..byebye, Taufan!" , they said to him, their figures are fading away.

Before Taufan could react, his youngest brother is now in front of him, desperately creating a huge amount of light, "You guys! RUN! be safe!", he said as he blocked the attacks that coming to Taufan.

"SOLAR! NO! DON'T DO THAT!", Taufan screamed, his voice is trembling with fear.

Suddenly his environment turned into darkness.

"You are weak, you are useless..", a figure said to him.

"you can't even protect your brothers!", That voice shouted at him.

That person, a navy blue hat, his blue pupils, it's him.

That person cried desperately as he pull Taufan's collar, "What can you do other than running away? Are you happy now? You can't even save your brothers!"

"I..", Taufan want to say something, but he can't. He didn't know what to say.

Everything that person said to him is true.

"You are useless! You are-" that voice got cut.

"!!" , Taufan quickly opened his eyes, cold sweat covering his forehead. He looks panicked and disoriented, his heart is beating fast as he desperately tried to gasp for air.

He see his surrounding, a white room filled with blue stuffs. A skateboard, silly doodles, some kind of cool posters hanging on the wall.

He sighed in relief, "...nightmare again, it's okay. It's only a nightmare."

"You won't let that happened again, it's okay, calm down", he said to himself,trying to calm himself.

His hands still shivering, and his heart can't seems to slow down no matter how much he said that it's gonna be okay.

He decided to get out from his room, wishing that he could have some fresh air and calm himself.

After that conversation with the Reverse two days ago, they havent talked with each other again. It feels awkward, sometimes Taufan really wants to break the ice they created, but for some reason, he didn't dare to.

Boboiboy - So that we can be Together Again Where stories live. Discover now