this brother and that brother

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"A crystal?", Ice asked.

Fang put the crystal on Ice's hand. It has a shining deep blue colours, they can see a beautiful reflection, it's as if there's a glitter swirling inside the crystal.

"Taufan went out from that cave injured, there's a lot of blood dripping from his injuries.", Fang said to them.

"He insisted that he was fine, but due to my curiousity, i went inside the cave without him knowing.", Fang explained.

He tried to remember that day, the sceneries, the atmosphere, everything.

The dark planet looks souless, but not that cave.

That crystal cave has a powerful wind swirling inside, there's a blinding lights reflected by those crystals.

And when he went deeper, the crystals feels more alive.

"When i went deeper, there's no clear white crystal, instead, it's deep blue coloured.", Fang said.

Ochobot checked the crystal from Ice's hand,

"This...", he said, his expression looks serious.

"It's his power, right?", Ice asked Ochobot, he could feel a trace of Taufan's power inside that crystal.

Ochobot nodded, "indeed, it's his power...but not only that..", Ochobot said.

"It's not purely his power..", he continued.

"There's an ominous power inside it, mixed completely with Taufan's power.", Ochobot explained.

"....can we go to that planet again?", Hali asked Fang.

Fang stare at the window, "i don't know if that planet is still intact or not..", He answered as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Solar's voice sounds hoarse, "..please? I need to know..i want him to return to us..maybe..if we..", His words got cutted.

"No.", a deep voice can be heard, the door opened, revealing the tall and cold person, it's the Kaizo.

"Captain..", Gempa weakly greeted him.

"We will return to the main station.", Kaizo said to them.

"But, Taufan is..", Blaze's words got cutted by Kaizo's stare.

"Is dead.", he said, he sounds cold and indifferent. But Fang's eyes got wider when he saw him.

"! Maybe he is just-", Hali's words stopped.

"Ochobot knows better than anyone, say, can you feel his power?" , Kaizo asked Ochobot.

Ochobot looks devastated, ""

"It disappeared..completely.", Ochobot said, his voice is trembling.

All of them is now looks even devastated and sad.

"You guys should recover first.", Kaizo said to them.

"But we are fine! It's only Taufan who-", Blaze stopped, his voice cracked.

"'s only him who was not fine .." , he said. His tears fell.

"Your mental state, your emotions.. you should wait till it's stop raging.", Kaizo said to them.


Fang sighed, he stare at his only brother with a sad expression, "you know.., i'm not really qualified to say this,but.."

"Sometimes when we think that our brother did a bad things to us, that he acts so cruel to us.."

"It's just their way of protecting us.", Fang said to them, his face looks sad and helpless.

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