arrived there

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"How about you Ochobot?", Fang asked a yellow sphere that have been quite for a while.

Gempa's eyes is on that yellow sphere, Ochobot looks like he hestitated about something.

He is the one who hurted the most.

"Ochobot..", Gempa called his name awkwardly.

"It's okay, you don't have to go with us. I don't want to get you into another problem.", Gempa said to him, he feel guilty.

Fang sighed, "...i've just told you and now you are doing it again."

"Well, it's all up to you, Ochobot.", Fang said to Ochobot.

"But not gonna lie, we kinda need your teleportation power thought.", Fang said to him.

Going to that planet will took a while without Ochobot's teleportation skill, because that dark planet is far from Tapops's main station.

Ochobot is silent, "i.."

"I am still angry to him.", he said with a frustrated voice.

"I tried my best, for keeping our promise, i believe in our friendship.."

"But then, he betrayed it, just like that. He never intended to listen to me, he already decided to break our promise when we first created it.." , Ochobot continues, the frustration that building up inside him is coming out.

"He never tried to protect our friendship at all, i'm furious, i hate this.", he said, but no matter how furious he sounds, his expression looks like he is sad.

"I don't want to care about him anymore..", he said.

"....i wish i could do it, i tried my best to do it. To just forget.."

"But i still can't do it.", Ochobot said to the elemental brothers, he looks so frustrated.

"Tell me, you guys are his brothers,so please tell me."

"What should i do?.. i want to hate him, but i can't!", he said.

If only it's as easy as it sounds.

I once heard that it took a long journey to be liked by the other people.

But it only need one mistake to make them hates you.

You did a lot of mistakes Taufan,

Not only mistakes, you even betrayed me.

But hating you completely, why is it so difficult?

"Ochobot, i know that you have a hard time.", Ice said to him.

"That's why, we won't force you to do what we want.", he said as he patted Ochobot's head.

"We will go to that planet, if you don't want to go then don't go.", he said, he said it with an indifferent tone, but he seems somewhat gentle.

"But, if you want to go with us, then please do so.", he said to that yellow sphere.

Ochobot is silent again.

Gempa smiled weakly, "..then, we will be going."

Ice stare at Ochobot for a second, and then he turn his back and began to walk away.

Fang stare at him too before he followed the elemental brothers to go to that spaceship.

"Wait!", Ochobot said.

Their eyes is now on him, they are waiting for that yellow power sphere to say something.

" expected, without knowing the complete story, i can't even hate on him.", Ochobot said, his voice trembles.

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