fresh air

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The wind is blowing, it feels strong but also gentle in the same time. A fresh mountain air, without pollution and far away from the crowd.

"Where are you going?", Solar asked someone.

That person stare at him, "woods, with father.", he answered briefly.

"I really hope that Gopal is here, you know.. with him here we can get an easy food so we don't have to search for some firewood to make a food.", Blaze complained.

Gempa sighed helplessly, "well, i bring a portable stove, and also many ingredients for our food, but you know your father.."

Ice frowned, "that damned berdikari.", he complained with a lazy but annoyed voice, he created a water bubble and quickly lying down on it.

"At least he correct the way of him doing his 'berdikari' things, right?", Thorn chuckled as he grow many vines with his power.

"What are you doing?", Solar asked, confused with his brother's action.

"Creating a comfortable bed of course.", Thorn answered as he grinned innocently.

" want to sleep like Ice?", Solar asked him as he frowned.

Thorn chuckled, "no no, it's for our another brother who loves to sleep like Ice.", but his tone sounds a little bit sad when he said this.

Both of them immediately stare into something in the spaceship, "he is always so eager to help around when we are doing things like this.", Solar said, he quickly averted his gaze from there.

But now, he can't even help himself.

Solar shook his head lightly, he is is one of the rational bois here, he have to try using his logic as best as he can and quickly help Taufan to recover.

Their attention is averted with a familiar voice that sounds so annoyed, "we have all the things we need already! Are you belittling Gempa or something? He is the most dependable, even more dependable than you--", Hali scolded the person who is older than him.

Amato looks so down and dejected as he could only plaging with his index finger, pretending that he feels guilty.

"But son, we can't only rely on that, as a grown up man we have to--"

"Father, just a reminder for you, but today i have heard enough 'berdikari' word from your mouth, i don't know what i should do if i heard it once more time..", Gempa suddenly popped between them with his 'gentle' but also scary smile.

"And Hali, you have to respect your father.", Gempa said as he twist Hali's ear.

Hali flinched, now he has the same reaction with his father. They all both looks so helpless and dejected.

Gempa chuckled, "you guys are so helpless."

Gempa thought about it, the one he used to scold the most is Hali and Taufan, he can't even count how many times he have tweaked their ears anymore.

"I hope everything could turn into normal quickly..", Gempa said as he sighed.

"Back then, i always thought that being a hero is such a wonderful thing, it's my purpose, i will do anything i could to save everyone.", Gempa said as he took the firewood from Hali and Amato's hand easily with his golem hand.

"But then..i don't know if it will disappoint you or not, but.. i think, even if we become a normal teenager,living a normal life, as long as we are all together,safe and happy.. it's the best life i could ever ask.", Gempa sighed.

Amato patted Gempa's head, "i'm not disappointed, instead, i'm proud of you, son."

Hali patted Gempa's shoulder, his face looks determined but also sad.

Gempa sighed, he then change his expression, from the worried one into the determined one, he gave them a big grin, "we've spent too much time on doing this things, come on! We have to quickly cook our food."


"huh? Where is Taufan?!" ,Hali asked, he is panicked.

When they are arrived, the bed is empty, the sleeping figure is not inside the spaceship.

"What? How can this be--", Gempa is as panicked as Hali.

A hand suddenly tapped his shoulder.

"Don't worry.", That person said to Gempa.

"Thorn moved him to his plant bed, he said it'll be good for Taufan to get surrounded by the fresh air.", Ice said to him.

Gempa's heart that was beating so fast is now calmed down, "you scared me..", he sighed as he pat his own chest to to ease himself.

Hali and Gempa walked toward the bed that created from Thoen's power. It looks firm but also soft, Thorn placed it in the middle of the flower field. So it makes Taufan is a sleeping character from a fairy tale.

"Back then it was a crystal, and now this place, his sleeping place is really something else huh.", Gempa said as he slowly patted Taufan's head.

"If we are holding a drama, make sure to choose him as the sleeping beauty.", Thorn said as he smiled.

Even if they are circling around him like this, Taufan's sleeping figure looks like he is unbothered.

The wind is blowing gently, making the flowers around them got swayed.

Ochobot who was just fully charge himself is now flying toward them.

He quickly scanned the environment around them, and then he scanned the sleeping figure in front of him.

"His energy is increasing.", Ochobot said with a relieved voice.

"It's now past 50% , it's a good thing!", Ochobot said to them.

"Thanks god.." , Gempa let out a relieved breath.

Knowing that Taufan's condition is getting better, it's really is a blessing for him.

Solar hold Taufan's hand, as usual he is checking Taufan's pulse.

But then, the fingers moves.

Their attention is on Taufan.

His eyes opened slowly, he blinked a few times as he rubbed his eyes.


"Taufan..?", Hali called his name, making sure that he saw it right.

"..ngh? You guys, why are you circling around me?", Taufan asked with a confused voice as he still collecting all of his conciousness.

"How do you feel? Your head, is it hurt?", Solar asked him.

Taufan shook his head, "no, it's better now.", he answered, he is still not completely awake yet so his state of mind is not as sharp as usual.

After he blinked for a few times, he stare at his own palms, and then he saw the things that he's been lying on,

"Huh??", he said as he realized his situation.

"Why am i on this flower bed? And where is this place?", Taufan asked them, he is completely oblivious about what's going on.

But one thing for sure, he can feel that his body doesn't feel as weak as before.

//author's note//

Tbh my head feels so dizzy since yesterday, i'm sorry if theres a typos because i didnt proofread this chapter first, see u on the next chap!

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