your apology

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"I didn't overused it, right?", Taufan asked someone with an expecting voice.

The Reverse clicked his tongue "which answer do you want? The honest one or the comforting one?", he asked Taufan with an annoyed voice.

Taufan sighed, "okay, i'm sorry.", Taufan said.

"..but you only overused it for a bit, so i think it's still manageable.", the Reverse explaine to Taufan.

Taufan is silent, "are you lying to comfort me or is this a truth?", Taufan asked him, he gulped down the mineral water to quench his thirst.

"'s the truth." ,the Reverse answered to Taufan.

"As long as you try not to overuse your power anymore, we can still make it.", the Reverse answered.

Taufan's eyes got wider, he stopped drinking the mineral water, "what did you say?"

"As long as you-", The Reverse's words got stopped by Taufan.

"No, i mean.. you said 'we' right? Right?", he asked the Reverse impatiently.

"....yes, why?", the Reverse asked Taufan.

Taufan's complexion looks brighter now, his blue eyes is shining excitedly, "finally! I'm glad that you said it!"

The Reverse is silent, he didn't really understand about what Taufan is saying so he answer it with a sigh, "whatever, sometimes you are so weird."

Taufan just answer it with a smile. The sky is always dark here, it's a space after all. But, following the earth's timezone, it's already night.

After beating Captain Vargoba, Taufan helped Fang to clean up the mess. He let his Brothers to do the report to the commander.

Solar's expression is clearly doesn't looks good, well it's understandable. His pride need a time to accept that he made the wrong choices and got scolded.

"It's one and half year left before we face that villain..", Taufan said with an indifferent voice.

The Reverse hummed.

"I try to not to think about it too much, but the memory of the's still scary.", Taufan said again, the Reverse could hear that Taufan's voice is slightly trembling.

Well, but in this timeline. It won't be scary for you anymore.

It'll be scary for your brothers., the Reverse stopped his train of thought.

He sighed after he saw Taufan's pale complexion, Taufan is always like that, trying to hide his pain.

"I told you to whine when it hurts.", The Reverse said as he began to use his power to soothe the pain.

Taufan chuckled, "well, it's still bearable, and also if i whine too much i will be annoying."

The Reverse clicked his Tongue, "you being like this is more annoying.", he mumbled. But Taufan couldn't hear it clearly because his voice is so low, and also Taufan is busy dealing with his pain.

"Aah, i want to go back and hug Mr.Shark", Taufan said, the plushie from his brothers is one of his favorite things now.


Taufan is lying down as he hug the shark plushie.

He can feel that the pain is coming more frequently now.

It's too frequent.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

Suddenly his door is opened. There's Solar who standing awkwardly.

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