why did you do this?

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Taufan's painful voice echoed around the lifeless planet.

A cruel laughter can be heard, "wind..", that villain said.

The same villain with the one who killed Taufan.

"I hate wind.", That villain said.

"How does it feels? Now your brothers is no longer here, you are suffering right? Right?", That villain laughed as walked towards Taufan.

Taufan is ignoring him. The grief inside his heart is too overwhelming. Who cares about the villain?

What can he do anyway? The villain will kill him, the way he killed his brothers.

He is the weakest after all.

Taufan hoped that it will end quickly.

Dying or whatever, he didn't know anymore.

He can't even save his brothers, not even one.

So what's his purpose of living? He don't have it anymore.

He could hear the villain's blabber, but he didn't try to listen to him.

He cried, and cried.

He shouted and screamed.

He know that in the end he will die too.

This emotion that swirling inside his heart,

His despair,his sadness, his guilt, his hatred.

Is it okay if he express it now?

Suddenly a big swirling typhoon surrounding him.

Taufan's eyes got wider. He didn't understand.

His power is already used up.

He can't even form a small attack.

So this kind of big typhoon, whose power it is?

Before Taufan could do anything, that typhoon turned into a sharp wind blades, surrounding the villain.

Taufan didn't pay attention on it too much.

His mental state is no longer able to let him focus on another thing.

He could hear the Villain's scream. He sounds like he is hurting.

"...isn't it's too late?", Taufan said, his voice is filled with sorrow.

He cried, and cried.

Not paying attention to anything.
The brothers who saw it can't stop the pain inside their heart.

Seeing Taufan who usually laughed cheerfully, who usually smiled brightly, to be on that state.

They could see his empty eyes, his expression that filled with despair.

The back that looks so fragile.

Losing Taufan feel so painful for them.

Crying overnight, hoping that it's all a nightmare or some kind of prank.

Waking up only to find out that Taufan is still not there.

That his death is true.

But imagining how Taufan would feel there,

When they were so cruel, leaving him alone.

And even told him to live happily.

Even thought they know that Taufan really endear his brothers.

How did he felt back then?

They can't even imagine the pain he had been throught.

The muttering sound saying sorry, is coming out from their mouth.

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