fortune teller

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I'm a loser

How pathetic can i be?

Even in this second chance that was given to me I failed, again.

You are injured, again.

I failed to protect my brother.


I'm afraid.. i don't want to lose them again.

"Stop that thoughts", a voice said to him, Taufan is surprised with the sudden command.

"....sorry.", Taufan answered, he looks unenergetic, is it because of the nightmare? Or it is because of Hali's injury? He didn't know either.

Taufan can hear a sigh from the Reverse, "you really- , nevermind, four hours from now we will practice. You should get used with my power."

"So that you can protect your brothers and stop haunting yourself with that thoughts.", the Reverse said to Taufan.

Taufan can feel sincerity in his voice, the Reverse's voice sounds like he is worried for some reason.

Taufan chuckled, he think it's kinda funny how the reverse show his feelings that he never showed before. "Okay, please teach me well."
"Taufan, you should eat first. Hali is still in the shower." , Gempa said to Taufan, he bring a plate filled with rice and vegetables, and also some protein.

Taufan is silent for a bit, he take the plate, "thanks,Gempa." He said as he smiles.

Gempa sit down beside him, watching Taufan who started eating. Gempa's face looks so worried, "Taufan, are you okay?" After hestitating for a while, He asked carefully.

Taufan's eyes is now locked with his eyes, Taufan let out an understanding smile, "of course! Sorry for making you worried."

Gempa smiled, he wanted to ask more. He already feel it from a while ago, but Taufan seems to bear something alone and hides it.

"You can tell me you know..whatever you are feeling right now. I will do whatever i can to help.", Gempa said to Taufan, his face still looks worried.

Taufan eyes got wider a little, and he smiled. "You are so cute Gempa."

"Lend me your shoulder then, i want to put my head on it." ,Taufan said, he didn't show any emotions, but he looks sad for some reason.

Gempa nodded and let Taufan rest his head on Gempa's shoulder.

" too Gempa..", Taufan said to him with a soft voice.

"If there's something bothering you, i'm always here..", he said as he smiles.

And even if i'm no longer here-

Gempa smiled, "thank you." He said to Taufan. He didn't try to pry on Taufan's secret anymore for now.

The truth is when he saw Taufan who looks so terrified after Hali went home injured, Gempa's heart is hurting for some reason. It feels like he can't bear seeing Taufan's hurtful expression.

You looks like you are desperately trying to protect something.

Is it just my imagination?

Taufan move his head from Gempa's shoulder and he continue to eat.

"You will be a great hero, you know.", he suddenly said to Gempa.

Gempa laughed, "what was that, are you a fortune-teller?"

Taufan smiled, he stare on his plate, "maybe i should be a fortune-teller instead."

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