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"Taufan, you are not playing with Blaze today?", Gempa asked him.

Taufan gave him a big smile, "no! I'm gonna practice today."

"It's rare, Why do you want to practice?", Gempa asked him with a confused looks.

He knew that Taufan used to secretly practicing while playing with Blaze, but to openly declare that he will practice.. it's unusual.

Taufan's facade looks somewhat weird, "..ah..", he said as he realized something.

"You are right..", he smiled.

"Lately, i realized how weak i am..", Taufan explained.

"I can't be like this right? What if i drag you down because of my incompetence?", he said as he helplessly laughed.

That self-depreciating sentences that sometime comes out from his mouth, Gempa hates it. "Why are you saying that? You are powerf-"

Taufan put his index finger on Gempa's lips, he gives him his smile with unknown meaning. "You don't have to comfort me."

"We all know the truth anyway." He smiled as he walked away.

Yeah, and most importantly.

I'm the one who know too much.

Gempa standing alone there, as he stares at Taufan's back with his solemn face. "Ever since that day, why do i feel like there's something wrong?" He asked to that distant back of his brother.

It's been a week since Taufan got sick, his condition is getting better. But his smile, his laugh, and most importantly his gaze.

Why does it feels so distant?


"Is here good enough?", he asked himself as he stand. Its a multifunctional field, he used to play here with Blaze. But as the amount of trash that being thrown here is increasing every single day, they stopped to play here.

"Hey mr.reverse?", he said as he prepare himself.

No one answered, Taufan sighed.

"Mr.reverse, can you hear me?" , Taufan asked once again.


Fine. I'll try it by myself.

He stretched his hand and creates a huge typhoon.

This is the ordinary typhoon i used to create.

Taufan hold his chin and thinking about what should he do to get stronger.

The reverse said he lent him his power, but he didn't even tell him what kind of power that he lent to him And how to use it.

Taufan focused his power on his right palm, get stronger,get stronger you weak.

Suddenly a burst of sharp pain flickers inside his hand. "Ouch!", he wailed.

"What the hell?", he complained as he blow his hurting hand to lessen the pain.

"..you", a cold voice sounds annoyed.

"What the hell are you doing? Chanting that stupid mantra. You think my power is some sort of magic?", he complained bitterly.

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