surprise (epilogue + extra)

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"Taufan, how do you feel?" , Gempa asked as he put his palm on Taufan's forehead, checking on his temperature.

Taufan sighed, "'ve asked that everyday.." he whined, he is grateful that his brother cares about him so much but still..

"His blood pressure?" , Gempa asked to Solar who is busy checking on Taufan's blood pressure.

Solar nodded , "it's the best record since he got revived.. it's 95, wow!" , Solar said with a sarcastic tone. It considerably normal but still, it should've been higher a little bit more.

Taufan laughed " hey, its not like i cant do my daily activity with a low blood pressure."

Gempa then smiled, "you never learned huh?", he asked, a golem hand suddenly appeared.

Taufan flinched when that Golem Hand is hitting his head, he thought it'll be a huge force but then he slowly open his eyes, it's only a poke on his head. "Well do forgive me but i've promised that i will hit your head after you came back, but your condition was never good after you're back so i've been patiently waiting." Gempa explained to his older brother, his dark aura is sending chill to Taufan's spines.

"..i'm sorry..", Taufan said helplessly, patting his own head to relieve the pain from the hit.

"Taufan, promise me you won't ever do something that will harm you.", Gempa said to him with a worried face.

But Taufan is running away from Gempa and Solar, ", i'll try, i guess" he said as he run away as fast as he can.

"You--", Gempa want to scold that eitty brother of him, but instead, he can only sighed. "His habit is too much.." , Gempa helplessly complained.

Solar nodded , "indeed."

"But we just have to make sure to prevent him from doing that right? You can't change an old habit in one day after all.", he said as he tidy up his medical tools.

"You've matured", Gempa said, hw gasped in awe, his hazel eyes is staring on his younger brother with such a proud gaze, it's been a while since Gempa acted this exaggerated and childish.

"Oh my god, i'm so proud of you", Gempa said as he ruffled Solar's hair playfully. Making the youngest brother dumbfounded. His ears is getting red from embarassment, "don't treat me like a child!"

Gempa laughed, "after a long break, we finally working in tapops again huh.." , Solar said, gazing on the glass window that shows a beautiful galaxy.

It's been a while since they travel the galaxy like this, finally they can do their hero duty again with Taufan here.

Gempa is walking to brought snacks for everyone, a tray of french fries and scrambled egg is on his hand. As he walked, he can hear a familiar voice.

The voice of his older brothers.

"Hali, Hali, its been a while since we have a sparring, let's do it!",Taufan said with such an energetic voice.

Hali sighed as he put down his phone, pausing the game that he played just now, "no, your condition is still not perfect."

"Are you belittling me?", Taufan asked, pretending to be hurt.

"It miss sparring with you, c'mon", Taufan asked him, pretending to be as cute as Cattus.

"No, you havent recovered yet. I don't want to face someone who is not in his prime condition.", Hali rejected.

Taufan pouted, "but i want to show off my new techniques..."

Hali shook his head helplessly, "show it then, no need to do sparring, you can just show it to me.", he said, trying to cheer his younger brother.

"But then it's not fun!", Taufan complained.

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